Chapter One

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For we are God's masterpiece... (Eph. 2:10)

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my story. It's my dream to be an influencer and would mean the absolute world to me if you guys would follow me on TikTok @ _jazzedup_ ❤️ enjoy the story!


I get up from my knees with a smile on face.

Such an amazing prayer. I grab my purse and bible ready to leave from the church.

"Zinovia!" I hear someone yell my name. I stop in my tracks and turn to see Jason running up to me.

"Hello, Jason. How are you?" I ask with a genuine smile on face.

"I'm fine, thank you. What did you think of the service?" He asks me offering a warm smile.

"Oh, it was very lovely. I received a great message from it." I answer.

"That's nice. I just came to ask if you wanted to, um, maybe, um, grab lunch with me? I mean, not like a date or anything. But as. . . friends?" He asks nervously scratching the back of his neck.

I give him a warm smile, "I'd love to. How about you pick me up from my apartment at 1:00 so I can change from my church clothes?" I suggest.

"Um yeah. Okay! See you at 1:00." He says excitedly walking backward. He trips over a pew. I giggle. He blushes and turns to walk forward.

"God bless you," I shout after him.

"God bless." He answers not turning around.

I walk out to my old but reliable truck that my father gave to me when I turned 16.


I arrive at my gorgeous little apartment. I park my car and get out. Once I'm inside my apartment I throw my clothes off and into the hamper.

I look at my clock; 11:42

I decide to take a short nap before lunch.

As I lay in my bed I think about God. He delivered me from an almost horrific event. I tightly close my eyes, not wanting to remember what happened at that dark time in my past.


I wake up and check my clock; 12:30

I get out of bed and walk to my closet to find something to wear for lunch.

I think about the warm but cool weather of Louisiana and settle on a matching sweater shirt and skirt.

I think about the warm but cool weather of Louisiana and settle on a matching sweater shirt and skirt

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I look at myself in the mirror and smile.

I'm so pretty.

I put my freshly blown out 4c hair into an afro. I add a few flowers in my afro for decoration.

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