Strength and humor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. (Proverbs 31:25)
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my story. It's my dream to be an influencer and would mean the absolute world to me if you guys would follow me on TikTok @ _jazzedup_ ❤️ enjoy the story!
It's been two days since psycho Janice kidnapped me and I still
"Zinovia! Did you eat my pudding pockets?" I hear Janice tell from the kitchen. I just ignore her and continue to read my magazine.A minute later she slams my bedroom door open. I gasp and look up in fear. There Janice stands staring hard at me.
I ignore her again and read my magazine.
She stands there for a minute without saying anything. I get annoyed and put down my magazine, "What do you want, Janice?" I ask her.
"I want to know why you think you can just disrespect me by taking something of mine without my permission. For Gods sake you've only been here for 2 hours." She says angrily.
I scoff, "I know that you out of all people are not calling anyone disrespectful. You are a deranged, obsessed, deluded stalker." I chuckle.
"That's it!" Janice yells.
I look up to see her walking towards me.
She reaches in the drawer next to my bed and grabs some handcuffs.
She grabs met arms and handcuffs them to the headboard.
"Hey! What are you doing! Stop! Let me go, Jani-" she cuts my yelling off by kissing me.
I move my head trying to get her lips off of mine. She grabs my face and holds it in place.
I feel her begin to unbuckle my pants and that's when I freak out. "Janice stop." I say worriedly.
She takes my pants off and pulls down my panties. I start kicking but she sits on top of my legs.
I've wanted this for a while. She kisses me in the mouth and I turn my head side to side to stop her. She only grabs my face roughly and continues to kiss me, tongue and all.
Vlasto King
Me, Mr. Akili and a few of my men drive through the town, we figured we try to look for her first before we go and get a professional to tech her down.
"Stop!" Mr. Akili shouts. "Isn't that Janice's cat?" He asks pointing to a yellow Jeep parked in the front of a giant house.
"It sure is. Wow she's an idiot" I pull over and park on the curb.
"Stay our here, in case someone comes." I tell my men.
Me and Mr. Akili get out the car and rush to the front door. We try to open the door but it's locked.
So she's smart enough to lock the door but not hide the car she kidnapped someone in.
I back up and tell Mr. Akili to do the same.
I charge towards the door and bust it open.
We both walk into the house on high alert.
I hear something weird and try to listen to where it's coming from."I'll check the bottom floor." Mr. Akili says.
I nod, still trying to find the noise.
I follow the sound and it leads me up the stairs."Janice, stop!" I hear a faint but audible yell.
I follow the noise.As I get closer I also hear a vibrating noise.
The noise leads me to a door at the end of the hall."Janice I swear to G- AHH!" I hear the voice of my angel scream and I bust into the room.
The sight before me almost makes me pass out.
Zinovia is strapped to the large bed, naked and Janice is holding a vibrator with her face in my angel's flower.
They don't even hear me come in because there was so much going on.
I'm frozen in shock."J-Janice. I swear to God if you don't stop I'l- Ah!" She screams as Janice puts the vibrator back on her bud the same time her mouth is there.
I'm brought out of my shock by my angel's screams.
I run up to Janice and grab her hair. I pull her roughly away from Zinovia, completely not caring that I'm man-handling a female.
I drag her away not caring that she's kicking and screaming and scratching me. I drag her all the way down the stairs.
"Vlast-" Mr. Akili starts but I cut him off.
"I found Zinovia. She's in no state to be seen right now. Go home with the men." I throw him my keys and I follow him outside with the pest.
"Stop! You'll go to jail! Let me go!" She screams. I ignore her and continue to drag her all the way out the house.
I throw her to my men, "Deal with this." I say bitterly.
They grab her and she screams. They put duct tape on her mouth and throw her in the back of my car. They give me the keys of the other car.
I nod and rush back into the house. I practically jump up the stairs and back into the room Zinovia was in.
I see her laying there breathing heavy.
"Angel." I say quietly. She looks up at me.
"Baby?" She asks.
I rush to look for the keys to her handcuffs, once I find them I unlock them and she jumps on me.
I grab her a blanket and wrap her in it.
"Never make me wait that long for you again." She cries.
"It was only 3 hours." I say.
She hits me and I chuckle, "Still." She says.
We hug for a while until she fell asleep.
I find her clothes and dress her. I gently pick her up and carry her to the car outside.I lay her in the back seat and get into the front.
Once I'm seated I sigh heavily. I look at her through the mirror and sigh again.
Oh God. What all did she do to you.
Hey guys.
Yes. I'm alive 😂
If you read my last A/N you'd know why I was gone for so long and why I will be ending this book soon.I'm not gonna sugar coat anything. There at least 3 chapters left and 7 max.
We're close to the end.I'm also gonna do a Q&A on the characters and anything you want to know about me or whatever.
After the book is finished I'm gonna gonna post a chapter completely for the questions alone and you will have a week to ask your questions. I'll give more details when I get there.
But anyways, don't forget to vote and comment.
Peace, Happiness, and Love- Jazz

Roly Poly
RomanceZinovia Akili had never been one for dating or anything involving romantic intimacy. Being a church girl played a large part in that. A 21-year-old, college student, virgin church girl who is way too beautiful for her own good. After her heart was b...