chapter 11

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grayson pov 

ethan just made up that excuse for me to come home he wanted to know what happened he was always into the gossipy bits about my life especially when it has a girl involved. I pulled up on the driveway and as I did ethan opened the door and stood there with a grin on his face ''so where have you been all night'' he asked his grin growing wider ''no where'' I said smilling as I pushed past him ''oh come on dude you were with her weren't you'' he said following me like a lost puppy  ''so what if I was'' I said sitting down on the couch I loved winding him up he was so gulliable but he wouldn't leave me alone until he got the details, ''so how were my decorating skills then'' he said sitting down next to me still grinning ''good thanks for doing that bro'' I said patting him on the back '' I'll have to repay you at somepoint'' I said smilling ''soooooooo... what happened'' he said scooching closer to me he just wanted to pry. ''nothing we just went back to hers and...'' i said slowing down my words just to annoy him a little more ''oh come'' he said ''just cuddled and we fell asleep'' I said laughing knowing that would annoy him ''is that it'' he said slightly annoyed '' I was waiting for something better'' he said getting up and walking to the kitchen '' you are so annoying grayson you relise that'' he said as he rounded the corner ''and thats why you love me E'' I shouted back. I just laid back and took a deep breath I couldn't stop thinking about last night and I am glad she wanted to take this slow there was no need to rush into things but I had never been this happy over a girl before and I am glad it was her she is beautiful and gorgeous and we had so much in common.

Y/N pov 

i couldn't stop thinking about Grayson but I had Jacob in the back of my mind he was there smiling and tall he would have been everything I would have dreamed but i had now met grayson he was so nice, handsome and strong and i would hate to break his heart after everything he has done to me and not only would i lose him but i would lose good friends as well. but for now I needed to get my mind off them but what could I do. I googled online what I could do and it came up with a wide variety of activities but I wanted something to get my blood racing and to really take my mind off them and then it popped up i haven't been there since the last time I came here with my nan she paid for me to have lessons for the 3 weeks we came here I did indoor surfing it was my high-intensity sport and it would definitely get my adrenaline racing, I had become really good and then we stopped coming maybe I could back into it but god knows what I would be like, so I booked the nearest session to me which was 1hour away so I then got all my stuff and put into a bag with my swim costume

 I googled online what I could do and it came up with a wide variety of activities but I wanted something to get my blood racing and to really take my mind off them and then it popped up i haven't been there since the last time I came here with my...

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I drove down when Grayson texted me I couldn't answer as I was still driving, so as I pulled up the traffic lights and stopped I picked it up.

texts between Grayson and you

G-hey what you up to

Y-just off somewhere

G-where is this mystery place x

Y-just some indoor surfing why 

G-cool isn't that a bit like snowboarding 

I didn't get to reply as the lights changed and I had to carry on when I pulled into the car park I was still 45 mins early so I carried on my conversation with Grayson.

Y- yeah I think so, I have ever done it

G- looks like I could teach you how to ;p

Y- yep well i used to do it everytime I came to my nans but I haven't done it in a long time x

G- I am sure you'll be fine once you get going x

Y- yeah thanks hows the video going 

G-good we started an hour ago almost finished then ethan is going to edit it

G-what time's your surfing session xx

Y- 11 why?

G-at the race water rapids near you

Y-yeah I got a double session so there won't be too many people

G- well good luck 

Y- yeah I better go in a sign in get ready for me to fail

G- don't injure yourself xxxx

Y- I'll try not xxx

G-see you in a bit xxx

I put my phone into my bag and walked in, I signed in an had to fill in a form it all felt so familiar now coming here with my nan and performing all the different tricks it was all coming back to me now, I jumped into my swim costume and headed to the briefing room where they asked if we had done this before and explained all the safety features it was me and another guy and was all kitted out compared to me and I think he even had his on board. we headed into the flow ride and I was given a board they said we would have 7 mins each to warm up and then we would get into it more and it was my turn to go first. 

I dropped the board down on the ledge balancing it with my foot the water rushing up putting pressure onto it I almost fell back but then as i did I was flying forward on the board my whole body moving down the waves pushing back against me, it was all flooding back to me all my lessons at first i was wobbly but I was quickly gaining my confidence and I was now moving back and forth on the waves I was in control I was doing quite well, I even managed to do a half turn on the board before I floated back up to the ledge where the next person was ready to go he was doing quite well until he lost his footing and the waves flew him back into the pool he got up with a laugh and jumped straight back on it, after 30 mins I had picked up everything I remembered and I was now wildly controlling the board across the slope and rotating and crouching down and doing a few small jumps lifting the board only a few centimetres. my session was 10mins away from finishing and the other guy had had enough so was now sitting chatting to the instructor they were happy for me to have the slope for the last 10mins so i pushed my board out and started to do all my actions and tricks that's when I saw someone recording on his phone I looked over and as they moved closer moving their phone away from the face I rotated sideways to get a better view and it was. it was Grayson smiling back at me waving. it was so nice he had come to see me I was so excited to see him, but I was still controlling my board I rotated back around and done one final jump and pulled off to the side, I placed my board to the side and ran over to the railing where Grayson was standing 

I leaned over and hugged him ''what are you doing here'' I said smiling '' I thought I might surprise you'' he said pulling back ''sorry I am a bit wet'' I said just running over and grabbing my towel off the side ''its fine but omg you were so good'' he said smiling ''really'' i said '' well it all started to come back once I got into it'' I said ''yeah well what did I say'' he said smiling.

''hey time to finish up for the next session'' yelled the instructor picking up my board ''yeah ok'' I said ''hey give me a couple of minutes I'll go get changed'' I said to Grayson as I started to wander back into the changing rooms.

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