Chapter 12

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I had back out to Grayson who was sitting talking to someone in the uniform he looked familiar from the back but were from so I headed over and as I did Grayson looked in my direction and as he did the face turned and it was. Jacob.
Omg what was he doing here and talking to Grayson, " oh hey Y/N" he said recognising my face immediately,
"You know each other" Grayson seemed quite shocked and he could see the looks Jacob was giving me the grin growing on his face and Grayson face dropping into anger and he moved forward and put his arm around my shoulder I could see the jealousy I his face "yeah you could say that" he said lifting his arm and ruffling his hair. Grayson looked at me and I just looked forward I could feel him tensing "we better get going" I said pulling Grayson away "well come back soon your pretty good to watch" he said eyeing Grayson up and down he just carried on but his fist was clenched as we walked out the door.
As soon as we stepped out he took a deep breath "so what was that all about" he said trying to stay calm "I don't know looking at the floor" I was almost in tears, I didn't want to upset him or piss him off even more than he already was "well it didn't seem like nothing it" he said voice deeper and croaking afraid of the answer that it was "it's nothing honestly do you not trust me" I was now crying my eyes out he didn't trust me that I was telling the truth "well why was he like that" he said looking down at me in disappointment " why don't you ask him" I said annoyed upset and walking away from him to my car he followed behind me "no Y/N come back" his voice calmer and worried I ignored him he started to run as I reached my car and got in "Y/N I am sorry" I started my car and pulled out he stood there shocked and looked really worried. As I drove back I must have got over 20 texts pinging as I drove.
I pulled into the drive and got out I locked the gate so no one could get in and the headed inside and ran up to my bed and laid flat out breathing deeply trying to calm down why did drama follow me. I got up leaving a wet patch from where my hair had been laying and soaked into my bed. I undress and my phone was still pinging away there must have been 15missed calls and over 50 texts , I put a CD into my player and turned it up to full volume I was drowning out the world around me, I jumped into the shower and stood there the water dripping down my face falling with tears I was now crying all over again.
I got out and paused my CD to hear loud knocking coming from the door I wrapped a towel around my hair and put a hoodie on with some shorts, I opened the door and there he stood looking pretty smug "I thought I locked the gate" I said folding my arms pretty pissed off "you did I climbed over" he said looking me up and down "can I come in we need to talk" he said looking towards the gate "Jacob why should I let you in" I said blocking the doorway " well I didn't know you had a boyfriend" he said trying to seem like he was in the right. "Well didn't mean you had to make those comments," I said standing my ground "can we please talk about this," he said "inside I don't want to disturb the neighbours"
"Fine you better be quick"
He passed me and I pushed the door shut and we sat down on the couch "so what do have to say" I said leaning back " how was I supposed to know you had a Boyfriend plus I sort of liked you when we first met" he said moving closer towards me "plus I feel like I have known you for longer than he has" he was now right up against my face he was moving forward as I tried to move back but he leaned in and kissed me there were no fireworks. Nothing. I felt out of place I tried to push him off but he was stronger than me, that's when I heard a loud crash of the gate and he pulled away in shock "what was that" he said getting up, "what do you think you're doing" I said standing up crossing my arms "kissing the girl I like" he said pulling my arm back and smirking that grin at me " I don't care if you like me I like someone else" I said Pulling my hand away "you can't take advantage of me" I said heading towards the door my phone started to vibrate in my pocket I went to answer it when I got pushed against the door, my hand still in my pocket I slide my finger across hoping that would answer it. "Let go" I shout "Why shouldn't I, I know more about you than you think," he said "you know nothing," I said yelling in his face "oh really so I don't know what your family does and that your code name is raven"
A shock came across my face how did he know that he would only know that If
"Oh yeah did I mention I am part of the south gang," he said stepping back still gripping my wrists " I was going to meet you the night disappeared," he said making quotation marks in the air
"Do you know what you have done back  home?" he said
"That place was never my home" my eyes brimming as I yelled back
"Yeah but I could have made it," he said
"No you couldn't" my hand now throbbing "I didn't know you"
"Well you could of, if you didn't leave I was to meet you within a week but i went to meet you beforehand because I don't believe in arranged marriages" he said that's when it all clicked in my head he was the one I was to meet and to marry "I wanted to meet you before and try and win you over because the first time I saw you I must have fallen in love" his grip now loosening around my wrist " so why are you being like this now" I said hot tears now trickling down my cheek "because I like you"
We both paused as we looked at each other. I was in more pain emotionally than physically what was I going to do.

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