Chapter 6

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my parents pushed me forward as we entered a dark street they pulled up their hoods and placed on their masks I didn't get anything to hide my identity they were only out to protect themselves. Today it was an exchange for information to find someone I was made to step forwarded and asked to prevent a fight starting between the two gangs, we waited in the dark corner out of sight and away from the light a car drove forwarded and 2 people stepped forward their faces blurred and mysterious then the area around me began to blur as I was made to step forward the whole area around me went black.


I woke up and the world came clear I was still at James's, James was sat at the computer editing what looked like the footage from today, I went to sit up and then realised an arm was wrapped around my waist I looked up to see Grayson fast asleep leaning on his shoulder, and my head rested on his knees, I remembered sitting down and to watch some tv with Grayson, but I must have fallen asleep, I didn't want to wake him by moving so i tried to slid underneath his arm, I manage to get out and he didn't wake so i wandered over to James who was still sat at the computer

''hey sleepy head'' he said as I wandered over and he turned around to speak to me

''how long was I out'' I said crouching down near the desk ''at least an hour'' James said going back to the computer  ''wow I must have been tired anyways where's Emma  and ethan''

''They have just gone out to get some food, you have literally just missed them'' James said still tapping away at his computer ''oh ok I better get going then'' I said getting up  ''no no you can stay'' James said ''they are getting food for everyone and they counted you as well'' James said laughing ''and your good company''  I smiled at James and we both just talked    ''Grayson really seems to like you huh'' he said smirking

''yeah I don't know why'' I said laughing  ''yeah but Grayson choose who he is close with carefully'' James said ''you are clearly someone special to him''

''yeah'' I said smiling not making eye contact with James just going back to the moment in the smoothie bar, a tear rolled down my cheek I was so happy but no one knew what had happened ''woah are you ok'' James said getting up  ''yeah I am fine'' I said wiping away the tear  ''can I just get a glass of water'' I said standing up and heading towards the kitchen  ''yeah just grab a glass of the rack'' James said standing ''are you sure you're ok'' he said stopping me and putting his hand on my shoulder

''yeah I am fine, its nothing really'' I said trying to head back to the kitchen ''omg something happened between you two'' James said getting really excited  ''no no nothing happened'' I said trying to shake it off, that's when ethan and Emma walked in, ''nothing happened what do you mean'' he said placing done a paper bag on the table  '' I think something happened between Grayson and Y/N'' James said going into the kitchen cupboard  ''well duh they were both practically asleep on each other when we left'' Emma said  ''no not just that but something else'' James said smirking.  I was shaking inside and out, I didn't want to tell them just in case Grayson didn't want them to know, even ethan looked slightly worried after James had mentioned it ''well did it Y/N'' Emma said, I fell silent and started biting my lip  ''huh well did what'' the silence was broken with Grayson walking in, he stretched out and looked at everyone  ''did anything happen between you and Y/N'' James said straight out questioning him. grayson bit his lip looking really nervous, he looked at ethan then me and the floor, I just looked down

''yes'' he said so quietly but James heard loud and clear

''omg yessss sister'' he said giving me a big hug, Grayson took a deep breath and smiled he looked at ethan who then gave him a massive bro hug

''finally, Grayson won't be chasing after me'' James said smirking  ''James I think you'll find it was the other way round'' Emma said laughing   '' let's eat the food before it gets cold'' ethan said taking the bag over to the table. we all headed over and sat, all chatting and laughing ''so when were you going to tell us'' Emma said munching down on some food '' I didn't know, I wanted to ask Y/N opinion first'' Grayson said reaching for the bbq sauce

''so how did it happen'' James said looking at me '' I don't know we just got on really well and well he............ kissed me'' I felt his soft lips touch me again but it wasn't really happening I was sat there imagining the moment it happened how he kissed me on the cheek and then looked deep into my eyes and we kissed.
"Well I am so happy my little bro finally made a move with a girl" Ethan said punching Grayson lightly on the shoulder
He just smiled then looked across at me I just smiled back and bit my lip. We had so much to talk about, Emma feeling awkward about buying boys clothes and how hard it was to find straight boy pants both James and Emma agree I can't say I have ever brought boys clothing. They were already planning their next video as well for Emma's channel, they were on about going to Vegas for the weekend and that Emma needed to get some Gucci slides.
After we finished we all sat on the couch and put a Netflix series on. Grayson sat next to me and put his arm around me I leaned in and laid on his shoulder. Emma was next to me and she sorta of cosied up with Ethan there was clearly something going on there but I didn't want to be rude and James sat next to Ethan cuddling one of the cushions next to him.

'' I better get going'' Emma said looking at ethan and then getting up, Grayson's arm was still around my shoulders I looked at my phone and saw the time. ''yeah so should I'' I said '' you want a lift we are pretty much going to the same place'' Emma said ''yes please let me just grab my stuff'' I said getting up  ''let me help you'' both Grayson and ethan said but ethan looking at Emma and Grayson looking at me, me and Emma both looked at each other a just giggled ''and that's why you two are twins'' James said also getting up from the sofa 

I went over to the table where I had put all my stuff back into the bag after taking the photos on the stairs, I put on my jumper and Grayson picked up my bags and headed over to the door I followed behind, I put on my shoes and we both awkwardly waited by the door for Emma I looked at Grayson biting my lip, my heart was thumping and I tingled all over I almost shivered he moved in closer and leaned in and his soft lips touched mine, I was right up against the wall my hands flat on the wall as he gently kissed me, he pulled me forward holding my waist , once again fireworks went off inside i didn't pull away and neither did he. 

''eeehhmmm'' someone coughed we both pulled away and there were James Emma and ethan standing their mouths wide open ''how long have you been standing there'' Grayson said straightening himself up and his arm still around my waist ''long enough'' ethan said ''are you ready'' Emma said walking forward towards the door ''yes'' i said smiling at Grayson 

we all headed down to the cars Emma opened the boot and placed her stuff in and Grayson and ethan then placing the bags in. ''ok we will see you soon'' Emma said giving ethan a hug then James ''yeah see you soon and you to Y/N'' James said coming over to give me a hug, I gave James a big hug and he whispered into my ear ''get him, sister'' I pulled away and just smiled at him and he winked ''we'll have to have you over soon'' ethan said giving me a quick hug ''yeah'' I got into the car and Grayson came to the window and leaned in and gave me a quick kiss '' I will see you soon'' he said winking and smirking ''ok you ready'' Emma said starting the car  ''lets go'' I said pulling my seatbelt on ''byyyeee'' Emma yelled out the window as we left 

''so you and Grayson huh'' she said literally as soon as we were out of sight ''yeah what about it'' I said smiling ''what are you going to do'' she said '' I don't know I really like him though'' 

''Yeah he clearly likes you to'' Emma said stopping the car 

we discussed all the way home and Emma promised to take me shopping some more tomorrow because I literally had barely any clothes in my wardrobe so that was my plan 

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