chapter 10 season 2

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Y/N pov

it was a short drive over to LAX but I was really tired but that was because I had fallen asleep again, ethan drove down grayson and I sat in the back as I rested my head on his shoulder, we pulled into the airport it was quite quiet with a few people bustling around we went straight through all the security checks and checking in when we got the other side grayson and I wandered over to the shops and picked up a few breakfast bits to eat on the plane, we borded about 2 am and it was a 6hour flight and the twins parents were picking us up from the airport so thats when they would find out I exsited I was nervous but I decided to get some more sleep so I rested my head on grayson as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we both drifted off to sleep I woke up and grayson was still asleep with his headed rested on the window ethan was sat next to me glued to some Netflix series on his phone ''hey ethan'' I whispered nuging him slightly he looked up at me and took out his headphones ''yeah'' he said ''I need to get out but I can't move'' I said smiling ''guess your going to have to stay there'' he laughed ''ethan please'' I whined he lifted graysons arm as I clambed over ethan I hurried to the toliet, I finished and looked in the mirror washing my hands I was hot and flustered from where I had slept on grayson, i splashed water on my face and took off my jumper. I wander back up the aisle and ethan got out to let me in I reached for my phone and switched on my headphones and I played some of the Netflix episodes I had downloaded. the time was ticking on as I watched my phone Grayson still fast asleep he didn't stir for another 2hours and we were only 4 hours in after he woke up, I was still really tired but I just couldn't sleep Grayson wrapped his arm around me as we carried on watching Netflix, Ethan drifted off the last two hours which we sort of expected because he never was an earlier sleeper nor an early riser he wasn't the best to get up in the morning. I must have rested my head on Grayson and drifted off again because I woke up to him shaking my shoulder so I would wake up "we are here" he said softly "are we when did we land" i whispered sleepily as I picked my stuff up "five mins ago babe" he said grabbing his bag and taking my hand as we walked out into the aisle and down to exit the plane, it was bright outside but cold very cold the sky was grey and misty and as I took a step outside I shivered as a cloud of steam rose up as I breathed out. I had packed my coat in the suitcase but luckily I had packed it on top so I could pull it out if I needed to and I definitely needed it. 

we stood all half dazed as we passed through security and watched the suitcases go round in circles, Ethan's suitcase arrived first followed not long by mine then Grayson's a little way behind it was 11:45 am by the time we had passed through all the checks and got our luggage the butterflies in my stomach were growing because i knew once we left the airport the twins parents will be stood there waiting to greet us. grayson held my hand as we rounded the corner to see crowds of people stood with name signs and queues of holiday-goers waiting to board the buses i tried to slow myself down that i was tucked behind grayson as the 3 of us walked forward. i heard ethan yell ''dad'' as he began to ran forward he ran and hugged a man stood in a large black coat and jeans ''hey boys'' he said ''hey dad'' grayson said letting go of my hand and hugging him ethan looked at me and smiled he mouthed it will be ok. 

grayson took a step back and reached behind and took my hand i was so quiet and shy ''dad i want you to meet Y/N'' he said pulling me forward and wrapping his hand around my waist ''this is my girlfriend'' he said as his dad smiled and looked at me ''nice to meet you i am sean'' he said pushing his hand out towards me i took it and shook it ''Y/n lovely to meet you'' he then looked back at Grayson ''your mother will be so happy'' he said with a smile and a chuckle as he turned to head out the airport we followed close behind Grayson looked over at me ''that was ok wasn't it'' he said pulling me in closer hugging me, i smiled as we walked out hand in hand, i was a little less nervous i felt a little more comfortable. 

we drove over to their childhood home they had a little bit of snow as it was dusted across the ground, we pulled up into the driveway and as we all got out unloading the car the twins mum came running out hugging the twins ''hey'' she said hugging them both tightly but then she saw me and stopped for a moment looking me up and down, then smiled ''boys who's this'' she grinned still keeping her eye on me ''well mum umm....this is my girlfriend'' grayson said moving forward towards her ''this is Y/N'' he said looking t his my then taking my hand as i moved towards the both of them ''nice to meet you Mrs Dolan'' i said offering my hand out for her to shake it she paused and then laughed ''there's no need for that'' she said moving forward to hug me '' and its Lisa please'' she said with a smile ''its lovely to meet you its nice to know the boys have a girl to keep an eye on them'' she said leading us all into the house we placed our stuff by the staircase as we headed into the dinning room where we all sat down and talked as the boys caught up with there parents and i got to know them a lot more. 

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