chapter 9 season 2

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''hey Y/N'' ethan said walking into the kitchen ruffling his hair still looking half asleep ''hey ethan'' I said pulling away from grayson ''are you all packed for tommorow'' he said making himself a cup of coffee ''yeah almost just a few bits left to go in'' i said ''well i hope you are taking a materess'' he laughed turning round looking at me ''what do you mean by that'' i questioned whilst looking at grayson, ''well grayson hasn't told our parents yet'' he said leaving the room ''grayson...why haven't you told your parents i am coming'' I questioned looking at him ''well... i thought it might be a surprise for them'' he said still sounding unsure ''but what if there not ready to meet me'' i whined ''where will i stay if they don't know I am coming'' I questioned for a moment he paused then responded ''well in my room but the only issue is... ethan sleeps in there too so you will have to deal with his snoring'' he smiled giving me a hug ''it will be fine'' he paused as his arms wrapped around my waist. 

Emma and James turned up not long after 10:00 am so I was able to give them there presents before we left for Christmas. ''aww Y/N you didn't need to do that'' Emma said taking the bag from my hand ''thank you Y/N'' James said trying to peek in the bag ''you can't open it till Christmas though'' I said giving them both a hug. when the rain cleared up they all headed out and I headed back to mine.

Grayson's Pov 

we headed out towards Emma's so she could pick up some of her stuff and she wanted to do the intro at hers, she we drove down the high street having a conversation all the way down, ''so Grayson what have you got Y/N for Christmas'' Emma asked tilting her head to one side as she looked at me driving ''its a surprise'' I said smirking as I rounded the corner ''well it couldn't have been much more of a surprise as when I saw her  completely naked'' ethan commented ''dude'' i shouted slightly annoyed he said that ''wait what'' James said out of shock ''yeah and guess who followed afterwards'' he said laughing ''bro shut up'' I yelled ''wait you slept with her'' James said slightly excited but disappointment in his voice ''well yeah'' I paused not knowing what to say 

''shame looks like I can't have you all to myself'' James said clinging onto my arm as I tried to shake him off while I was driving ''yeah well...''I tried to think of words to describe her but I couldn't there were so many I could use but none of them alone can describe how I thought about her she was...







So many words rushed through my head I could picture her in my head I couldn't see myself with anyone else and she gets along with all my friends and she gets along with ethan and I guaranteed my parents will love her, no matter what I would never do anything to lose her or put her in harms way she was special to me.

Y/N pov 

I sat on the sofa and opened up my book it was going to be a long day and I had a late flight with twins so I didn't want to do anything, I was going to spend the day resting and finish packing, I had packed most of the warm clothes that Jefferds had sent me and the suitcase was a perfect size and was getting more nervous as time drew on Grayson had assured me that I would be fine and that his parents would love me, however, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what could happen, I tried to keep myself distracted and I got some rest so I wouldn't be tired grayson knocked on my door about 5:00 pm ''hey'' I said leaning against the door frame ''how was the filming'' i asked ''good we wrapped up an hour ago'' he smiled I moved to the side letting him in and I walked towards the kitchen ''do you want a drink'' I asked as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist ''that would be nice'' he whispered slightly cuddling me tighter ''ice coffee'' I smiled ''you know me too well'' he said letting go of me as I reached out for the glasses and prepared the drinks. 

We both sat down on the coach as we cuddled up I put on the tv and nuzzled deeper into his arm ''so are you all packed'' he said rubbing his thumb over my arm ''yep when do you want me to come over'' I asked taking a sip of my drink ''well...if you want you can stay over mine tonight'' he looked down at me smiling ''so you can lock up all beforehand'' he said ''that would be nice'' I smiled ''just remember ethan is there'' Grayson laughed '' was my house anyway'' i said slightly annoyed but giggled teasing him. I headed off with Grayson about 7:00 he helped me across with my suitcase as I carried some of my other stuff we left it all in the hallway as Grayson walked into the kitchen where ethan was just unwrapping some food that had been drooped off by the postmates ''hey Y/N'' ethan said has i walked in ''hey ethan is that all for you'' i laughed ''I wish but Grayson ordered it for all of us'' he said grabbing the plates out of the cupboard ''here let me take some'' I said grabbing the stuff off the side and placing it o the dining room table ''what have we got Gray'' ethan asked sitting down ''I got a mixture of stuff'' he said opening up the boxes ''mmm the chicken looks good'' I said placing some on my plate. after finishing we sat on the sofa and chilled both Grayson and I must have drifted off because ethan was shaking us awake saying we needed to leave otherwise we would be late, I sat  up and rubbed my eyes focusing on the room around me, we packed up Ethan's car with all our stuff and headed to the airport.  


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