chapter 2 season 2

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we sat around  the marble table and we munched down on the meal, this was like a regular thing for me but it was nice to have Emma with us as well, I had spent the last 3months post mating food just because it was easy I had got into the habit of doing it and I had been too lazy to do grocery shopping but I needed to get back into doing it and maybe I could start cooking again. I loved cooking I used to do it all the time because I was basically always looking after myself but now I had just become complaisant. we sat and talked I was very quiet as I was really tired, so I sat quietly listening to what they were planning, I think they were talking about a mixture of Christmas videos they were going to do together 1 on each of there channels.

''hey Y/N are you ok'' ethan said finishing off the last of the chips ''yeah just daydreaming'' I said taking a slurp of my drink and smiling back ''what are you two doing later then'' ethan said clearing up the mess ''girls night'' Emma said wrapping her arms around my neck and smiling ''yeah coffee, sweets, movie and face masks'' i said ''living the luxury life'' we both laughed and smiled as the twins looked at us with strange looks on their faces confused but they looked at each other and smiled we both teased them for a bit until we headed back to mine, where we got ready into our pyjamas and placed a face mask on I headed into the kitchen to make 2 ice coffees with bowls of sweets and popcorn whilst Emma set up the movie. ''here you go'' I said handing her the coffee and placing the bowls down infront of the tv and the movie started, we sat in silence for some of it but we laughed and giggled and talked for most of it this was relaxation at its finest, we placed another movie on but we didn't make through it we had both fallen asleep cosied up on the sofa wrpped in blankets. 

I woke up to the loud music of the credits playing away Emma was still fast asleep and she didn't move when I switched the telly off, cleared away the bowls and headed to the bathroom I peeled off my mask and washed my face and cleansed I looked in the mirror and just stood there staring I took deep breaths and switched off the light I walked out back to the living room Emma hadn't moved she still had her bright blue face mask on which I couldn't help but laugh she stirred slightly but rolled back over I pulled the blanket over her and I headed to my bedroom and I drifted off quietly to sleep. 

I woke up to the sun glimmering through my whitewashed curtains it was still early as I looked at my phone but there was no way I was going back to sleep so I got up and put on my swimsuit, I quietly creaked down the stairs and slid open the doors trying not to disturb Emma who was snoring on the sofa. I jumped in it was cold but refreshing as the gleamed on the water, I started to swim some laps the water rushed through my hair as I took slow deep breaths as I glided through the water.

grayson pov 

I woke up earlier than normal so I kick-started my workout out early I started up the running machine and played my playlist how ethan slept this long stumped me it really was hard well for me anyway I looked over the city that we were towering above as I looked down the valley that dropped, I glance over the fence to see small splashes in her pool I guess I wasn't the only one up this early she was gliding through the water so delicate and graceful he was amazing as her slightly tanned  skin glowed in the sunlight I couldn't take my eyes off her and to believe I almost lost her we had tested the limits of our relationship but we were now closer than ever I carried on running as she glided through the water I tried to focus on my workout but my eyes kept drifting back to her for what seemed like moments was almost half an hour as I came to a stop so did she, she caame up for a breath as she pushed her self up to the surface her dark hair flowed down dripping down onto her back. my whole world paused as she wrapped a towel around her chest and laid out on the sunbed to dry, I dried my sweaty face on the towel and headed downstairs where I grabbed two juices I had in the fridge and headed over to her garden. ''hello'' I said shadowing over her ''hey'' she said with a smile as she opened her eyes ''your up early'' she said sitting up ''not too early because your up'' I said smiling handing her the mixed berry juice ''you know me too well'' she said opening it up we both sat on the beds and laid there ''hows Emma'' I said looking over at her ''snoring on the sofa'' she said laughing ''just like ethan then'' I said with a smirk ''well you know what they say similarities attract'' she said ''wait what'' i questioned ''isn't it oppisites attract'' i asked ''well yeah'' she said looking at me standing up ''but i would have never have gone for you if that was true'' she said teasing me, i grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me she stumbled over the bed and landed flat out on my chest i could feel her heart beat declining slowly from the scared state it was in she slowly breathed and laid on my chest her wet hair tickled my chest ''i don't know what i would do without you'' she whispered resting her chin up to look at me '' same'' i said resting my hand on he waist pulling her closer, ''what are you going to do for christmas'' i questioned as we laid there she was silent for moments ''i don't know isn't it your birthday first'' she said not looking up just resting her head down ''well me and ethan head home in december to see the family and i was wondering...'' i paused for a moment this had been going through my head for quite a while i wanted to bring her home to meet my family she was such a nice girl and i was happy to have her by my side ''do you want to come home with me and ethan for december'' i blurted out all at once she looked up '' are you asking'' she said slightly puzzled and confused ''well yes becaue i would love for you to meet my family and well what are you going to do here because everyone will head back home to see there families and well...'' as i went to continue she itturupted ''well i was thinking i could go see my family'' she said looking down at the floor not making any eye contact i was shocked and i had strong feeling about this ''no no no you are not going back look what happened last time'' she smiled and laughed as i said this '' calm down'' she laughed '' i came here to get away from them why would i go back now to lose all this''. ''you' re not funny'' i said with slight anger in m voice ''i would love to meet your family'' she said with a smile she was now straddling me over the sunbed, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. ''do your parents even no i exist'' she said leaning back and standing up, ''well no..they get pretty werid about this stuff'' i said standing up picking up the empty bottle ''well it might be a good suprise for them'' i said ''i'll book an extra seat for you then and good thing you brought warmer clothes it gets cold up in new jersey'' i said with a smile ''ok when will i need to start packing'' she asked ''well we had planned to leave the 6th but we have a buisness meeting the next day so probably the 8th or 9th i will have to check with ethan'' he said heading back to the gate, ''ok'' she said walking back the door ''just let me know'' she said as she opened the door and i opened the gate. 

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