chapter 11 season 2

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Grayson's pov 

I was so happy that my parents loved Y/N I knew how nervous she was to be first meeting them I was a bit the same and how they would react to her but they were getting to know her quite well through a cup of coffee and some of my mum's homemade banana bread that we all enjoyed very much, I noticed that during her time talking she would shake her leg out of nervousness so I rested my hand on top to calm her down she spoke quietly but quickly gained  her confidence after a while, we dicussed how we had met but we avoided all the gang stuff because it didn't seem really relevant but my mother did ask where her accent was from but Y/N handled it very well ''I am from England but I moved out to live with my grandmother who sadly passed away not long afterwards I had met emma who was my next door neighbour and thats how I met the twins, I was planning to leave and go back home but I sort of fell in love'' she said slowly and quietly looking over at me ''I had already sold the house and planning to move back but a close family friend was also moving away from LA so offered the house he was living in with his family so I took it and it wasn't until I moved in I found out I was living next door to the twins''. the story all seemed to make sense and I think my parents believed it which was a bonus, it was good to be home.

''mum when's cam coming'' ethan asked interrupting the conversation ''she will be back tomorrow'' mum said getting up and clearing the plates ''here let me help you with that'' Y/N said getting up and taking some of the empty mugs and plates over to the sink ''thank you'' my mum said running the water with soap. 

we left the kitchen and i carried the suitcases upstairs to our room with Y/N following behind carrying mine and her rucksacks up along side me we entered the room as i set down the suitcases to the side ''welcome to 5 star luxury'' I said with a smile as i chuckled she smiled as i grabbed her round the waist and held her tightly, i picked her up and threw her down onto the bed we both playfully laughed as we wrapped our body's up close and I played with her hair wrapping it around my fingers, i moved in a kissed her on the lips but s she gently pushed back returning the kiss someone interrupted ''hey can we keep it PG please i have to stay in this room to '' ethan said wandering in setting his stuff down on the other bed, we both sat up my arm still wrapped around Y/N, ''sorry ethan'' she said tucking herself in closer to me ''at least you were fully dressed this time'' he laughed ''heeeyy'' we both said in unison i knew he used that against both me and her teasing us constantly ''leave it out E'' i said as i got up and walked over to him i threw him done to the bed and started annoyingly cuddled him just to annoy him ''is that better were you jealous i wasn't hugging you'' i chuckled as he yelled ''get off me'' trying to push me off,  ''hey boys no need to fight'' my mum said wandering in with clean sheets ''we have guests'' she said wandering over to me ''Y/N isn't a guest'' ethan said smiling looking over at her ''she's seen this most of the time'' ethan said pushing me off  ''doesn't mean you have to fight'' she said chucking a sheet at ethan as he brushed himself off and i stood up from his bed ''yeah and rememeber she is my girlfriend so you have to be nice to her'' i said teasing him ''c ome on boys got those clean sheets on'' my mum yelled helping Y/N get a clean sheet onto my bed ''so you have to put up with these two'' she laughed looking over at Y/N ''yeah well you get used to it after a while'' she said ''yeah definetley 19 years sounds about just right''my mum  laughed as Y/N  joined in knowing the sarcasm my mum was giving off.

''Y/N is there anything your allergic to'' my mum asked leaving the room ''no I will eat anything'' she said with a smile ''well we have chicken pot pie''  my mum shouted as she headed downstairs ''its a family recipe'' ethan said still struggling to put his side of the sheet on ''and its really good'' he said finally pulling on the sheet, ''yeah mums cooking is really good'' I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder, we unpacked some of our stuff and ethan sat on his phone leaving half his clothes spread across the floor we had only been here a couple of hours and he already made a mess. After we had finished unpacking we planned to go out on a walk ethan was staying behind so it was just me and Y/N so we put some warm clothes on and our boots as we headed out the door I took her hand entwining my fingers with hers as the rush of cold air hit our faces  it was always cold in new jersey this time of year we were just looking forward to the snow this year. 

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