Chapter 15

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"Dad, we should go BBQ picnic again." My son says.

I couldn't say no as I lack so many years with my son and his family. My family. We all went BBQ picnic and I invited Maia so she could meet my grandson.

"We just saw each other in SASA Professor Mayer." Maia laughs helping my son's wife preparing for the bbq

"Hero, this is Maia one of my student. Maia, this is Hero my grandson." I introduced them together.

I should have invited Marisa as well so she could meet my son and his wife but seems like she thinks it's easy for her so why not let her do that job as well? She's one of my favorite student for nothing? I see Maia and Hero talks a while and seems like they're getting along well. I think it's all good now.

The sky was getting dark so we decided to go home and since Maia was supposedly in New York by now, we just ask her to stay in for the night. We all got into the car. There was no sign of anything car recklessly shuts down nor any fast drivers around us but I have a feeling. It is no good. I secretly give code to Maia. "Maia, have you heard about the motto, eat what you can eat, as long as you can reach?"

Hopefully she knows this code in one of my class. She replies. "by Setomi Yazawa. Yes I do. I'm sorry sir Mayer but can we stop in the gas station for a while? I think all the bbq food making me GASSY"

"Okay. Petrol station it is." My son stops the car and and Maia, Hero, and my wife went out the car. "I'll park the car right that parking garage over there next the pavements. We'll meet you guys there."

"Okay." And they took off for bathroom break.


Year 2015

Marco scanning all the files and tracks down to solve his parent's death. Sneaking on London SAS secret files. He shouldn't be there, he's not a SAS agent nor he has the authority.

Marco's POV

American agents who witness 3.11 must die. At all cost. Leave no trace.
Case 2003 agent Langford
Case 2005 both agent Triapollis
Case 2011 both agent Edo
Case 2012 agent Hampton
Case 2014 agent Mayer
Leave no trace nor witness to this agents and cases.

Case 2005? Even the recent one? Last Year. Aren't they smart enough to not leave this case trace? Huh what is this 3.11 all about then? This is why they should have been more careful to bump another countries agent. This is so messed up. This is probably the reasons we have world war. This shouldn't be the only thing. I know there's more to this for my parents.
An chemical factory bomb in Fukoka Japan wasn't only the thing happened. London oil stock market needs to put a risk to make government rich. Back up by London SAS they planned to bomb some chemical factories. A team of agent have bust this mission leads to London's stock failure as well as for government. They release file complaint like but in more daring complaint about London SAS but SAS is SAS, they can wipe away any trace even if it takes for a long time. Even if it's the person.

-End all the flashback and timeline-

"That's what happened? I thought they drove off for a while and got into car accident."
Hero dumbfounded by what Maia explained about SAS.

"That's why I try to keep you away from this life as possible."

"It's hard to be a spy in situation like this. And I rather not let you even talk the back story of SAS because it will definitely literally kill you."

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