Meeting Him.

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I still remember the day very vividly. It was the first day of third grade and I was late to class, I was running down the hallway when I tripped over your book sack that you had stupidly left in the middle of the hall.

"I'm so sorry" you exclaimed,stretching your hand out for me to grab. I gladly took it and you smiled at me "I like your pigtails"you had said "thank you!" I replied and then looked down to see that our hands were still connected, I felt the heat rising and quickly pulled my hand away "who's class are you in?" You asked "Mrs,Daniels! You?" I remember seeing your smile and feeling an explosion inside the pit of my stomach...I didn't know what it was back then but I do now "same!" You said "well we're gonna be late on the first day and that's bad luck. At least that's what daddy says"I giggled "well then we need to hurry" you picked up your book sack and slung it over your shoulder before grabbing my hand and running towards the end of the hall, the door that had S,Daniels on it. The S standing for Sandra.

Room number 876.

I blinked away the thoughts of him and scooped up Jr kissing his red cheeks "it's ok if you like her buddy!" I chuckle,still teasing my wittle bundle of joy "mommy!!!!"he squealed,hitting my shoulder and causing me to laugh even harder "Untle Haydwennnnnnn" Jr. yelled,squirming around in my arms.

Not long later Hayden emerged from the dark hallway with a smile "what's up buddy?" He asked "mommy won't stowp teasing me!"he exclaimed,acting as if I would get in trouble for it "what's she teasing you about?" Hayden asked walking closer to us with a huge grin "about Raelynn!!" Hayden burst out laughing "oh no not you tooooooo" Hayden and I couldn't stop laughing "hey,buddy stop hiding your feelings. Trust me I'm the best with girls!" Jr's face lit up "just liwke daddy?!?!?" Hayden and I stopped laughing...but kept our smiles "yep, just like daddy! Except I'm a better with the ladies!" I herd chuckles coming from the hall and the next thing I know Annie is walking in holding a baby girl in her arms "don't listen to him, he's crazy!" She giggled out,Hayden fake pouted like a baby "I am not!"

I laughed and walked over to him,patting him on the shoulder "sure your not Hayden. If that's what floats your boat!" I walked over to a laughing Annie and we walked into the living room and sat on the couch "let me down!!! I wanna go pway wif Logan!" Annie chuckled and I nodded "don't be loud the babies are sleeping!" I warned and he nodded and ran off towards the play room.Logan was Annie and Hayden's oldest and was named after her older brother Caleb Logan Leblanc.

"Hi princess"Hayden whispered, placing a gentle kiss on the sleeping babies forehead,Annie smiled and pecked Hayden's lips before he walked out of the room. "Lauren should be here soon." Annie said,admiring the newborn sleeping peacefully in her arms "she's adorable! I just wanna kiss those puffy checks and cuddle her all day long" I exclaimed in a whisper,Annie giggled "me to!" We chuckled and then the doorbell rang, probably Lauren. We had all gathered at Hayden and Annie's house for Logan's 7th birthday and I was Lauren's first time meeting Kayleigh because they weren't able to make it to the hospital when Annie had her,unlike me I was at their house when she went into labor and drove Annie to the hospital,also I was the one who got to scream at Hayden over the phone when he was at work late to meet us there! That was a fun night.

Xoxo hope you enjoyed!

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