Letter #1 Dear,my love

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I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a gulp of water in attempt to calm my nerves and put the pen down on the paper...I don't even remember what was running through my mind when I write what I did.

I just know I felt a lot of pain as I skimmed some of our old memories together.....

Dear,My love

Something inside of me died when you left this miserable hell we call earth.

Something I needed very much. Something that helped me wake up each morning even though I knew that that day would be more stressful than the day before yet I still got up. Something that helped me stay sane in moments when I was just one push away from going crazy. Something that kept me smiling each day even when I wanted to break down and cry my eyes out.

What you took meant everything to me and that was,your love,you took that away from me when you left...when you left you didn't only take away your love but you also took away that warm feeling I got inside whenever you'd call me beautiful,you took away the feeling of a thousand butterflies fluttering around in the pit of my stomach when you sent me one of those show stopping smiles or when you sent a childish wink my way.

I hate you.

I hate you so much.

I hate you for taking all those amazing things away from me. Maybe I'm selfish but I was always selfish when it came to you.I had to take all your time and had to always see you even if you had to meet up with other people. I always had to kiss those soft lips even if you were in the middle of driving.

I was always different around you and you broke me...you just had to go to work that day! You just had to run the red light and you just had to leave me!

If you were here and I got to ask you one thing I'd ask if you were proud of yourself for not wanting to be late for work? Because I sure as hell ain't!

I still love you though. How could one not love such a pure human being such as Johnny Orlando? I'm not sure it's possible babe.

I only have three words to say.

I miss you....xoxo


                   Your bracket buddy

I folded the piece of paper and wiped away the stray tear rubbing down my face with a sniffle. I pulled out a black shoe box and put the letter in it,closing the shoe box I slid it under my bed and sat down with a deep sigh.

Yayyyy I posted!

I'll be posted two chapters today and if I'm not to busy I might even post three! Who knows?🤷🏼 it's 2 AM where I am and ya! I'm a night owl and mostly write at night( I never sleep! One weird fact about me is that if I go to bed early and just to be clear early in my opinion is 10-10:30ish anyway if I go to sleep at that or earlier which isn't likely I will be tired as crap the next day and be stick in that loop where as if I go to sleep at 5 AM 5:30ish I'll be fully charged that day. I have no idea how that works and it makes absolutely no sense at all but hey it works so I'm good wit it)and it is easier for me to post later at night that's the facts shister*spills a cup of hot tea*

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