Letter #2 Dear,JohnE Boi

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I just put the boys down for bed and I am currently sitting at my desk with a pen in my hand,hovering over a piece of paper. I'm trying to gather my thoughts and put them down on paper but it wasn't coming as easy as last time did. I took a deep breath and after holding it in for a couple seconds I let it out and started jotting my thoughts out onto a piece of paper

Dear,JohnE boi

Hey baby...I guess it still hasn't really sunk in that your gone and I'll never stop reaching for you in my sleep. Lauren says I need to move on but I can't...I feel like I'm cheating on you even if I just as to look at a guy in a more than friendly way. Annie says you'd want me to be happy and I want  believe her so bad but I can't see you happy if your up there and you look down and see another man kissing your wife and raising your kids. That just isn't you.

Nadia says that your my guardian angel and will always be watching and protecting me and the boys,I hope she's right because the thought of you looking down at me makes my heart flutter.And being able to look up and know your watching me and still up there loving me more then ever makes me feel closer to you.



But hEy not my fault!!! Well MaYbE iT iS!


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