Part 1

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It was today in the city of Grimsborough, it was after New Year's Eve and it begins a New Year's resolution, the sun shining above the bright light blue sky with thousands of white clouds, it shines over the Fairview neighborhood, wetting the houses and watering the lawns, one of the houses belonged to a family of detectives, the Jones family. Inside the Jones family's house where Scott and Ryan were inside looking through the window to see but Scott was so sad and bored and lack of fun that he and his brother didn't since after New Year's Eve a few weeks ago, they have no friends to hang out with. Instead of being bored in the house, they were sitting on the red, soft couch and watching screen tv with the younger brother's favorite anime, Van Helsing. On the floor with a mat placed were the two hunting best friends, Luke Fernandez and Annabelle Leek who were hanging out together and also spending time with the brothers, they are known as soulmates, implying that they are dating endlessly since they first met in the day of supernatural hunting era. Luke and Annabelle held hands to join and look at each other with great good-looking smiles, chuckling and chatting, they are surrounded by a pair of cubs, a hyena Nick Furry and a lion Peter Pan sleeping on the floor beside the couch Scott and Ryan are sitting but then their stomachs growling and they know that they are hungry as so as Annabelle and Luke just as an episode of Van Helsing has come to an end soon.

"Oh man, we are hungry." sighed Ryan, sadly. The boys seem that they are hungry for snacks but Annabelle has a bag of fast food and a box of candy she and the boys like.

"Wow." the boys were excited to see the fast food and candy.

"On one condition: don't let your parents see the snacks, they believe that it's not healthy for all of us," said Annabelle, telling the boys not to get caught eating junk food by their family because they might know that they didn't eat healthy food. She hands two burgers with no veggie toppings, only cheddar cheese, and fries on them.

"Thank, Annabelle, you are our hero." praised Ryan, he opens his mouth, shoves the fries-burger into his mouth, took a bite of it, and munched it happily.

"As a big brother figure, we can play video games if we want," said Luke, he walks to the cabinet where the video game console was placed, presses the button, and turned it on before taking four video games controllers, walking to his girlfriends and his two best friends, giving three of controllers to them while keeping one with him.

So, waiting for the heavy rain storm to be over, the half-brothers, Luke, and Annabelle begin to play video games, bonding over it, and holding video game controllers in their hands but Scott and Ryan turned out they are still in sibling rivalry because they are always beating their high scores and fighting over it. However, unlike the brothers, while they got into the bickering again, Luke and Annabelle are dating and holding video game controllers while helping each other to win the better score despite the brothers hunching over their chance of winning, the cubs are lying on the floor and snoring softly only to be disturbed by the noise of the video game the brothers and their friends are playing. Meanwhile, the brothers and their friends are hanging out far from the door opened by an old lady in a red raincoat who arrives with a bag of fruits and vegetables in her right arm and holding a red umbrella above her, marching inside the house while accompanied by her recent ex-daughter-in-law and walk to the kitchen, not knowing the children are playing games with Annabelle and Luke when they are bored and enter into the kitchen to cook something healthy. At the same time, Scott and Ryan are in the middle of the car racing with their cars trying to reach the finish line, if the boy or his brother won but not but they manage to win, the woman comes out and calls for her sons.

"Boys, your suppers are ready, bring your friends." a woman's voice was heard and heads to the kitchen.

Hearing their mother's call, Scott and Ryan grunt in disdain, get themselves time out by placing their game controllers onto the table carefully, get off of the couch, and went off. The boys walk away to the dining room, leaving the couple finishing a video game unaware of where they are going, Luke puts down the controllers and kisses Annabelle on the cheek with his lips, making her giggle and blush, they turn to the couch and find that the boys have gone to the dining room. Luke and Annabelle get up from the floor and march to the dining room. In the dining room, on the table where the brothers are sitting on the table with two plates, utensils, and glasses. They patiently wait for their mother, Charlotte Jones who was cooking something delicious with her ex-mother-in-law to feed the kids while their father, a cop named David Jones sits on the chair reading the newspaper before he puts it away on the table. Jones was bored of reading newspapers beside his sons and infant daughter sitting on the high chair and waving a toy rattle in her hand, cooing and fussing, annoying her brothers in the process. The half-brothers have cell phones with them and browse social media but their father approaches them, snatches the phones from them, and swipes them, confiscating them and handing them to his mother. The old lady takes the phones from her son, march out of the dining room, and went somewhere to hide the phones to detox her grandsons, she went away to confiscate the gadgets from her grandsons and the hunting couples show up in the dining room to find the brothers sitting on the table and frowning over their phones.

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