The Confederation Got It's Ass Kicked (I think)

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I saw still six shadows standing, with one big one in the middle of the six.

The big guy's probably Atlas or maybe even Jacob.

And Reynolds must be behind them, probably locked behind a door.

Wait, that's weird.

I counted again, and saw five, with still one big, looming shadow in the middle.

Of course.

The little bastard's probably torturing her in there.

I looked towards the five shadows, and the one in the wall.

I looked at the guy in the wall, and I noticed one thing.

There was still slow-moving smoke, where his point of impact was.



Then, the smoke begun to go at a normal pace.

I think this is that super-speed thing that Brother was talking about, but it's like.... I feel a presence surrounding me.

Plus, it's like it only lasts for a certain amount of seconds.

But I guess I could test this when I'm feeling like it.

I looked down at my hands, and saw burning-purple armor surrounding them.

I looked towards the rest of me, and saw burning purple armor.

Purple doesn't look good.

It then changed to blue armor.


I then jumped after the person in the wall, landed on the wall, and then took the person, and threw it at the multiplicity of people, hopefully acting like a mix of the domino effect, and bowling.

Let's give this a shot.

I threw the man, and saw him fly through the air towards his target, only to see that he was thrown back at me, not only with the same force that I threw at them, but even more.

I threw out my leg, and swiped at the man, but missed.

Well that was rude, dontcha think?

When I missed the man, I ended up propelling myself towards the wall, so I just kind of ran onto that, towards the group of the Confederacy.

Hah! Kicking their asses is cakework.

I Propelled myself towards the group, and slowed down time once I got close to them.

Then, I kicked, punched, elbowed everything in sight.

And that was that.

I looked behind them, to see a door.

It wasn't a regular door, it was a sliding glass door.

Perfect for kicking down, in other words.

I ran towards the door, kicked it down, and what I saw....

Was enraging.

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