❝ all it'd take is one flight ❞

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"all it'd take is one flight"
"we'd be in the same time zone"

JACK stepped off the private plane, thankful for not having to endure the 11 hour flight on a stuffy plane filled with strangers and crying children

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JACK stepped off the private plane, thankful for not having to endure the 11 hour flight on a stuffy plane filled with strangers and crying children. he breathed in the fresh air of shanghai, following his manager, jonah, as he led jack towards the car that was waiting for them outside the gates that held all the private planes.

"where are we, again?" jack asked as he looked around at his surroundings.

"shanghai," jonah responded.

ah, yes. the china leg of his tour, including but not limited to beijing, shanghai, hong kong, wuhan, and tianjin.

not to mention his boyfriend, zach, was currently only 500-or-so miles away, touring japan.

jack smiled as he sat down in one of the back seats of the car, jonah entering after him. just thinking about the rosy cheeked boy always helped lift his mood.

"zach's in japan, correct?" jonah asked as he noticed the smile on jack's face that he couldn't seem to mask, no matter how hard he tried.

"yeah," jack answered, still smiling like a goon as he thought about the older boy.

"you know, i love the kid, but i absolutely can not stand his manager. too nosy, in my opinion. always having to know where zach is and what he's doing every second of every day," jonah crinkled his nose slightly while talking about the man he loathed.

"come on, jo. corbyn's not that bad," jack defended, only causing jonah to roll his eyes and sigh heavily.

"so you're telling me that he isn't always a major cock block?" jonah asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"not really. at least, not after zach decided to turn off his phone every time we go out," jack answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"wasn't there this time that he walked in on you two about to—"

"we do not speak of that moment," jack interrupted as he crossed his arms and looked out the window.

"what about the time you walked into zach's house and corbyn was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for him to come home?" jonah questioned.

"ok, i'll admit, that one was a little creepy," jack shuddered slightly at the memory.

it's not like him and zach were naked, just heavily making out and clearly having a moment. but corbyn just had to ruin it.

"can you stop, now? none of that's happened in weeks," jack said, slowly growing aggravated at the brunet's harassment.

"weeks, you say?" jonah asked with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"months, okay? months!"

"whatever you say," jonah chuckled before starting to answer business emails on his phone.

jack just ignored him, not that jonah wasn't used to it. hoping to find some form of a distraction, jack pulled out his phone, opening twitter and going to his mentions. he commented on a couple and retweeted an artwork or two before one thing in particular caught his eye.

it was a news account that gave people the latest "news"; if you could call all the fake rumors news, that is. jack was usually able to ignore it and continue on with his day, but this title caught his eye. it read:


yes, the public didn't know that him and zach were dating. nobody even knew that they were both gay. well, gay and bisexual; jack being gay and zach being bisexual.

now intrigued, jack clicks on the article attached to the tweet, ready to have a good laugh at whatever bogus evidence they cooked up this time.

"that's right, folks. you heard it here from us; pop sensations zach herron and jack avery are, indeed, dating. now, it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out. the way they talk about each other in interviews is a dead give away.

'zach? he's my best friend,' told jack in an interview with 'teen magazine' back in january. all we have to say to that is: best friend? more like boyfriend."

jack snorted at how unbelievable they sounded. even jack had to admit that there were some questionable moments between him and zach that the fans definitely caught onto, but whoever wrote this wasn't even trying to dig up anything juicy on the pair.

"alright, jack, we're here," jonah told him as they pulled up in front of a nice-looking hotel. "you have the next five days off before any interviews or shows."

jack smiled and nodded, getting off the car with jonah who checked into the hotel for the two of them before handing jack his room key.

"one more thing, jack?" jack stopped walking toward the elevator, turning around to look at jonah and showing the elder that he was listening. "i would try to spend a lot of this time talking to zach. you have virtually no free time after this break. i talked to corbyn and he said that zach's also on a short break from tour."

"you talked to corbyn? for me?" jack smiled sarcastically. "wow, man, that means a lot."

"i will throw my shoe at you," jonah warned with a glare.

jack laughed, not noticing that jonah really did take off his shoe until it was chucked at him.

"shit!" jack ducked, narrowly avoiding the object that was aimed at his head. he quickly ran off to the elevator with his suitcase and backpack in hand, hearing jonah laugh loudly behind him.

this is shit but it's also 5 days late. i didn't know how to fix it so i gave up :)

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