❝ it'll only be a couple hours ❞

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"it'll only be a couple hours"
"and i'm about to leave"

JACK heard a knock on the door, making a quiet "hmph" sound as zach detached himself from jack to answer it

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JACK heard a knock on the door, making a quiet "hmph" sound as zach detached himself from jack to answer it. the pair had been cuddled up on the couch in zach's hotel living room, watching pocahontas, per jack's request. they had just gotten to the song "colors of the wind" when they were so rudely interrupted.

zach got up, smiling to himself when he heard jack's small noise of protest. he walked towards the door, not even bothering to check the peep hole as he heard corbyn and jonah arguing outside the door. again.

"i am zach's manager so i will deal with this situation. just go back to your room and let me handle it!"

"well i'm jack's manager! i'm just as important as you are, your highness."

"were you the one called here to help? no!"

"i'm sure jack will appreciate having me here. i'd bet he'd rather have me here than you!"

"would you just—"

corbyn stopped talking, his glaring eyes turning away from jonah as zach swung the door open. he blinked once, off put by the interruption, before quickly replacing his scowl with a clearly fake smile.

"hey, zach!" corbyn exclaimed, trying his best to not seem annoyed or upset.

zach was able to see past the faux blond's facade, noticing how his fists were clenched at his sides and his face was slightly red from yelling. zach raised an eyebrow, going to open his mouth to speak before he shut it with a sigh, shaking his head with a knowing smile on his face. he moved out of the way to let the pair in, noticing that jack had paused the movie and was now looking with curious eyes towards the new arrivals.

"what's going on?" jack asked in a small voice, softly chewing on his sweater sleeve. it was no surprise to anyone that the boy was slightly out of it, as disney movies often made him regress. "is everything okay?"

"it's nothing too serious, jacky," jonah smiled reassuringly over at the younger boy as he took a seat on the couch.

"yeah, if you consider a career ending situation 'nothing too serious'," corbyn huffed in annoyance, resting his hands on his hips as he rolled his eyes.

"corbyn!" zach scolded the older boy.

"what? it's true!" the blond replied, raising his hands in exaggeration.

"zachy, what's he talking 'bout?" jack asked, his voice slowly becoming smaller and smaller.

"nothing to worry about, babyboy. we're gonna get everything fixed, okay?" zach reassured his boyfriend.

"otay," jack whispered quietly, his bottom lip slightly trembling.

zach sighed, going over to jack and scooping up the smaller boy into his arms. the older brunet's glare settled on the faux blond, his annoyance building once he saw corbyn roll his eyes again.

"keep rolling your eyes, corbs. see what happens," zach threatened lowly.

"we don't really have time for this," corbyn reminded everyone.

"you and jonah are supposed to be figuring out what steps we can take to fix everything, so get to it," zach snapped, his protectiveness over jack getting the better of him.

corbyn let out a quiet huff before copying jonah and taking a seat on the couch.

zach carried jack into the hotel room's bedroom, using his foot to close the door behind them. he set his younger boyfriend on the bed before walking over and grabbing the t.v. remote off of the nightstand.

"we're gonna watch a movie, okay baby?" zach asked, sitting on the bed and allowing jack to cuddle up to him.

jack nodded silently, now fully submerged in his headspace. he was practically deadweight on the boy beneath him; not that zach cared, of course. the small boy watched as zach turned on wall-e, his arm wrapping around the older's waist as he snuggled his head further into zach's chest.

"we color after?" jack asked in a baby voice.

"of course, babyboy. we can do anything you want," zach smiler, wrapping his arms around the curly haired brunet.

meanwhile, the two managers were at each other's throats:

"we can't take legal action, corbyn!" jonah exclaimed as the blond's idea left his mouth.

"and why not?" corbyn questioned stubbornly.

"first of all, taking legal action would announce to the public that jack and zach are dating. it would get so much media coverage that people in the arctic would here about it! second of all, we can't sue some poor girl or boy just because they threaten to leak some photo."

"this isn't just 'some photo'! this could ruin their careers! and i'm sure neither of them would enjoy being forced to come out," corbyn argued.

"we could contact instagram and have their account taken down?" the brunet suggested, trying to calm down the tense situation.

"and then what? the person will just make another account, and we'll be in this mess all over again!" corbyn pointed out.

"we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. unless you think of a better idea, it's the best option we have," jonah said, and the blond couldn't help but agree.

"fine. but if this fails, i'm blaming it all on you," corbyn smirked. it was a small smirk, but jonah could see it; as well as that small glint of amusement in his eyes.

"i wouldn't expect anything less," jonah smiled back.

"so, jack and zach have disappeared. do you wanna, maybe... watch a movie, or something?" corbyn asked timidly.

"yeah, sounds fun."

and jorbyn begins ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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