chapter eight - if i find her

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ready 2 rock'n'roll!!!
( singer ig 🎤 , guitarist ? 🎸 , what's a bass 🐟 , drummer boy who 🥁 )

guitarist ? 🎸
Finn i have a question

singer ig 🎤
What's up, Ayla?

guitarist ? 🎸
will you be free to rehearse
next tuesday?
we weren't sure when
you were coming back
so I just wanted to ask

singer ig 🎤
I get on a plane tomorrow,
so that will be great!

drummer boy who 🥁
you have to bring your
groupie along though

what's a bass 🐟

singer ig 🎤
Veronica is not a groupie, if
that's who you're talking

drummer boy who 🥁
then is she your girlfriend 😏

singer ig 🎤
For the last time, NO
I don't even have her number!
Did anyone even read the tweet?

what's a bass 🐟
Yikes, man
That sounds like a problem

singer ig 🎤
You're telling me.

drummer boy who 🥁
fine, i guess we'll have to approve
when we meet her

guitarist ? 🎸
since when were we meeting her?
(I am, however, okay with the idea 😍)

drummer boy who 🥁
i just assumed that he would
make her tag along at some point

what's a bass 🐟
Yeah, if you find her,
invite her to a show!

singer ig 🎤
I doubt I'll do either
(message erased!)
Will do Jack


wy-guy 🍜
Hey. I'm checking up
on you.

finnie boi
... Is something wrong?

wy-guy 🍜
I wanted to ask about
Veronica. I saw the
tweet and I've been
wondering ever since.

finnie boi
Well, I guess I'm okay

wy-guy 🍜
That doesn't sound like
you're sure of yourself.

finnie boi
Because I'm not.
I might have kissed her.
And I don't know if I
regret it.

wy-guy 🍜
And you don't even have
her number?

finnie boi
No, I don't. I just met her
She left Spain this
morning I think

wy-guy 🍜
Oh my God.
Finn, I did not even think
of you as that kind of

finnie boi
Thanks, Wyatt. Ever so
sophisticated with your

wy-guy 🍜
I figured you were just
joking, to be honest.

finnie boi
Nope. Was not joking.
At all.
And I think I might
take it down.
She was weird about
me being famous.
I don't think this would

wy-guy 🍜
Weird how?

finnie boi
She didn't know who
I was until some girls
came up to me asking
for a picture. And then
she got really defensive
about it.

wy-guy 🍜
No way.
How could she not have
Are you sure she wasn't
Pulling on your leg?

finnie boi
I'm completely sure.
You should have seen
the look of surprise on
her face.

wy-guy 🍜
Well, if I were you,
I wouldn't risk it.
Seems a little weird to

finnie boi
Aren't you dating Erin

wy-guy 🍜
I didn't meet her in a
foreign country if
you're trying to get at
the fact that I'm dating
a fan.

finnie boi
No, that's not what
I'm saying
What I'm saying is
that you make it work.

wy-guy 🍜
Finn, I make it work
because I don't have
millions of followers on
Instagram alone. And it
barely even works
because people are still
mean about it. You know
how your fans get when
you even look at a
different person, man.

finnie boi
I know. That's why I
want to take it down.
People are already going
crazy about it

wy-guy 🍜
Too late now.
The hashtag is trending.
You'll just have to ride
it out.
This chick must really be
something if you post on
Twitter of all things looking
for her. And if you kissed her
without getting her number.
That was a dumb move on
your part by the way 😂

finnie boi
She really is.
And I got caught up
in the moment, okay.
I know that dude!
I just have to find her.

wy-guy 🍜
So, where is she from
then if she flew out of Spain?

finnie boi
She lives in New York City.
Not sure which part though.

wy-guy 🍜
I doubt Sophia knows her
if she hasn't already
commented or anything.
What's she like?

finnie boi
She's beautiful. She has
this great laugh and she's
really sweet. Veronica is
unlike anyone I've ever
That's why I kissed her,
you know

wy-guy 🍜
So, what I'm hearing is
that you're whipped.

finnie boi
Yeah. I think I am.

wy-guy 🍜
Wow. Well, I'm happy
for you.
But, just be careful.
I'm worried about this
blowing up in your face.

finnie boi
I am too.
Thank you for letting me
talk though
You're a great friend.
Anyways, I have to go get

wy-guy 🍜
Okay man.
I'll talk with you any

finnie boi
I'll text you if I find her.


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