Yes! I love him..

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I reached home and was just thinking about 'MR. PANDA' ( I even gave him a nickname). I don't know why I was thinking about him, I don't know why he was only there in my mind. I tried to concentrate and read a book but I was not able to do so, as I used to read the first line, my mind used to be overshadowed by his thoughts; when he shoke hands with me on!  That feeling. Wait! Wait! What I was thinking, did I started to like Mr. Panda?? Was I in love with him?? No! It was impossible I met him today only. How can I like a person so early! No. No! It's not love. Suddenly my phone rang when I was busy fighting with the thoughts of my heart and brain. It was an unknown number. I picked up the call.
Me- Dr. Anisha Chatterjee speaking.
Hardik- Hello Madam!
ME- Who is there?
Hardik- You didn't recognise me!
I actually did but said No and started to laugh.
He replied in a serious tone, " I want to talk to you something very serious."
I stopped laughing and apologised to him. Then he started to laugh and said, " Socho agar mein aisa hota toh!"
And there was an awkward silence between us as I used to speak he also used to speak, this happened for 4 times. Then after a long silence Hardik said, " Hey! I think you should not be up for so late."
" You too." I replied.
" Good night, sweet dream and bye." he said hesitatingly.

Next morning when I reached my cabin I saw there was a bouquet of white jasmines kept on my desk and a letter was kept by it, it said-
"These beautiful flowers for the most beautiful person on the earth!"
   - Hardik Pandya
As I finished reading it Hardik entered the cabin. He was looking very handsome in casuals, he came near to me, more near, and more near and bend over me I thought he was about to kiss me and suddenly a maid came and asked me whether I will have tea or coffee. This broke my imagination. Wait a minute! What I was thinking about Hardik... He will kiss me. Why? Why will I let him kiss me. What was happening to me as I think of Hardik I blush. This is what people call LOVE!!  Seriously! I was in love with MR. Panda! Was it love at first sight?? I don't believe in it. As I was busy fighting with my thoughts, somebody entered my room, it was,     ' Mr. Hardik Pandya ' and this time it was not my imagination. He was there. I was so happy.... He came and sat next to me and I was just spell bounded by him. He was speaking I don't know what!! I was just watching the movement of his lips. I was continuously watching his lips, his eyes, his moustache and beard, his hands and my soul was submerged into him.
" Ani where are you lost?" he said.
"Ammi tumake bhalubhashi!" I replied absent mindedly.
"What? "he asked. I reflexively recollected myself from the wonderland of my Mr. Panda and asked, " What makes you think that I am the most beautiful person on the earth?"
He murmured something.
"You said something." I asked him.
"Nothing Ani!!"
"What? "
" Nothing Dr. Anisha."
" You can call me Anisha."
( I felt very happy because I realised that he called me 'ANI')
"Do you want any favour from me? " I asked.
He instantly replied, "I want one! "
"What? "
" See I am new in Delhi so please can you accompany me to visit some good places over here." he asked me very politely.
"No!" I replied.
"Why? "
I started to laugh. " Socho agar mein aisi hoti toh!"
He smiled and his eyes lit up and mine too. We both were lost in each other. He phone call broke the dream which I was watching from open eyes.  I don't know about him but I was confirmed that I was in love with MR. PANDA.... Oh!  Finally I accepted that I have fallen in love with him that too love at first sight.... I can't believe it. Then he returned back to me and said, " I will call you tonight, so be awake.."

That Moment... Part 1Where stories live. Discover now