The England!

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I reached London what a beautiful city but not beautiful as my country. I reached the Hotel and saw ICT was having breakfast. I saw Kumble Sir and was glad that he recognised me and introduced me to whole ICT. I was so rejoiced to see MSD-my first crush that I forgot about Hardik- my LOVE. When I came back from the wonderland of msd I realised that Hardik wasn't there. Then I saw Sakshi Ma'am, Ritsy, Aesha Ma'am and Hazel Ma'am were coming with two cute little chaps Ziva and Zori. They all were looking very cute. Ritsy came and hugged me and said " Welcome Ani! "
I asked, " Where is Hardik, he is not here!?"
"Janab muh phula kr bethe hai.. "
Rohit Sir said in a very lilted manner.
As Rohit Sir was about to say another word Hardik came. Kumble Sir  introduced me to him. Hardik ignored me. He ignored me for the whole day. So, I decided to take to him in the night. My bond was made with Ziva and Zori. In one day, we came very close. I came very close to all the wives of the cricketers. Ziva and Zori liked to listen supernatural and mythological stories and I used to narrate it to them.

In the night, I saw Hardik walking in the garden, I went to him. He ignored me. I said, " Hardik just listen to me once.. "
He turned towards me, I understood that he was listening to me.
I continued, " My father had a heart attack." As I spoke that he hugged me. Then he kissed my forehead and said, " I am sorry, how is he now fine. "
" he is fine! " I replied.
He went to sleep in his room and I went in mine.

That Moment... Part 1Where stories live. Discover now