Our Jaunt in Delhi...

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When I reached my home that evening I was very very happy, seriously that feeling of being in love is very beautiful, butterflies swarm in your stomach, you laugh unnecessarily, whenever you hear the name of that person you blush. Whatever you see in films, whatever they tell about love is TRUE. After having my Dinner I went in my room and eagerly waited for his call. It was around 12'o clock I was awake waiting for his call. Then I decided to call him. I dialled up his number, he picked up the call and answered in a sleepy voice, " Yes! Who's speaking?"
" Your Grandma!" I thundered.
"What!" he asked confusingly.
" Yes,  Mr. Panda. You said you will call me and you didn't. I was up so late and you know..."
He interrupted me in the middle and said, " Shant my JHANSI KI RANI Shant! "
" What did you call me? " I asked.
"jhansi Ki Rani"
" Accha I am Jhansi Ki Rani!!"
" Like you said me Mr. Panda." he replied.
" You noticed...." I asked.
" Yes, I notice everything of yours."
Honestly, I loved it when he said " MY JHANSI KI RANI! "
" So we will meet near ' Biswajit Cafe'
at Karol Bagh at 10'o clock."
Then we both wished each other Good night.

Next morning was really very alluring. I wore a shrug with my red and white kurti and a black jeans. I wore a little bit of makeup and let my hair open. I wore my favourite Jhumakkas and a watch. I was ready to meet my ' Mr. Panda.'

I reached the cafe but there was no sign of him. I saw my watch it showed 10:30. I was really very disappointed by Hardik because I don't like unpunctual people. After few minutes somebody tapped on my shoulder, I turned back there he was wearing a black shirt and a blue jeans with his sleeves rolled up. He was looking damn HOT and once again I fell for him. I asked him the reason for being late.
" I went to take the sorry gift for you." he replied.
" Sorry gift for what? " I asked.
" For not calling you yesterday night."
He took out a small box from his pocket and opened it, there was a very pretty bracelet inside it. It was looking very costly so I denied to accept it but he forced me to take it and how can I say no to my ' Mr. Panda.'

We visited all the historical moment of Delhi. It was around 7'o clock in the evening we went in a coffee shop to take some rest. Hardik ordered a black coffee and I ordered a Latte. There was a silence between us and this silence was more meaningful than those meaningless words.
" Hey! We didn't see India Gate. " he said.
I was very tired, but I agreed to him and after finishing the coffee we went to Rajpath. He clicked many pictures and after that we ate ice creams. Hardik and me ordered the same flavor ' VANILLA' then we started to talk.
Hardik: Tell me something about you and your family.
Me: Why you want to know?
Hardik: Just like this.
Me: I will not tell you.
Hardik: OK! Your wish.
His face lost his glow and then I said, " Socho agar mein aisi hoti toh!"
We both shared a smile.
Me: My family is a joint family. They all live in Kolkata. I live here with my Bhaiya and Bhabhi. They have a very sweet daughter Suhana. I love my father the most.
Hardik: I love my mother the most!

He was driving the car and I was sitting on the front seat and I don't know when I fell asleep in his car and on his shoulder.
( Hardik's thought- OMG! Why is she so beautiful, she was looking so stunning today and I didn't even praised her. I want her to be my princess and me to be her Prince Charming. I don't know what she thinks about me, even if she will not love me then also I will love her forever.)

That Moment... Part 1Where stories live. Discover now