Our Jaunt in Ahmadabad..

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Next morning, I wore my red top and a black jeans and packed my bag. I was leaving for Ahmadabad. I reached Ahmadabad in the morning around 10. Then I called Hardik, he picked up the call and said, "Speak, My Jhansi Ki Rani."
Me: Guess what where I am?
Hardik: Ahmadabad!
Me: Yes Mr. Panda.. You are right.
Hardik: So, can I come to pick you up?
Me: Yes, but this time you have to become my guide and make me visit the whole city.
Hardik: Yes, Of course Madam!
Me: I am waiting for you in the coffee shop near the airport. Bye!

I went to the coffee shop and after half and hour Hardik came with his car. He took me to the hotel in which he was staying. He said, " Evening 5'o clock in the hall. " He went to his room and I went to mine. I saw Jasprit Bumrah with Krunal Bhai. I was like what was happening. Something wrong was there...

In the evening I got ready to meet my 'Mr. Panda.' I wore my best crop top and a jeans. I wore a little bit of makeup and the bracelet which he gave me. I saw myself in the mirror I was looking very pretty. I went down to meet him. Thank god! He was there on time! But he was talking to someone, oh! I know that man his name was Nitish Rana. What was Hardik doing with him? They were talking something. When Hardik saw me, he smiled and said bye to Nitish Rana. Hardik was wearing a grey T-shirt and black trousers. He was looking very dashing. I noticed that he had trimmed his beard. He was looking more cute. He came near me and said, "Ms. Chatterjee looking very gorgeous."
" Thank you and you are also looking very good Mr. Panda! " I replied.
We both went towards the car. He drove for a minute then I asked him,
"Who was he? "
"Who? " he replied.
" That man, Nitish Rana, how do you know him? " I asked with lots of curiosity. He didn't answer me instead he backfired me with a question,
" How do you know Nitish? "
" He plays Ranji from Delhi."
Then Hardik and me went for shopping.
" Actually I don't like shopping!" I said.
" Seriously you are the first girl, who doesn't like shopping, you I love it!! " he replied excitedly. He only did all the shopping. I was just watching him, with a sweet smile. I had never seen him this much happy before. Then we both ate food. He ordered a Gujarati Thali and I ordered a Bengali Thali. Two different cultures, two different personalities, but one soul ( according to me). We finished our food and went for a walk and then I saw a group of children playing cricket. I Hardik that we could join those kids. I thought he will say no but guess what?? He said NO. I became sad.
But after few seconds, he came to me and said, " You will bowl and I will do batting. "
Then with a huge smile he ran towards the children and I also followed him with the same energy. We asked them that we want to play with them and they agreed.

That Moment... Part 1Where stories live. Discover now