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The field was set, fielders took their position. The ball was in my hand and the bat was in Hardik's hand. Everyone was very excited. I bowled the first ball and it was a massive six. I bowled eight balls they all were six. But as I bowled my ninth ball, he got OUT!! yippee! I was very happy.

Now it was Hardik's turn to bowl and mine turn to bat. I missed the starting 3 balls but had hit a four and a six on fourth and fifth ball respectively. But on the sixth ball I got OUT! But a nice match between me and Hardik.
As we were going towards the car, it started to rain. Hardik closed his eyes and started to get wet in the rain. He dragged me also with him. We started to dance in the rain with those children with whom we were playing. When I  saw Hardik dancing with those children I one again fell for him. His innocence took my heart away. That day,  I realised that he is just not beautiful from out his heart is also very beautiful.

It was 12'o clock in the night, I was not feeling sleepy at all. So, I decided to take a walk in the garden. When I was walking I saw Hardik was also walking. I went near him and asked,
" Why are you up so late? "
Hardik muttered something.
( Hardik muttered thinking about you!)
"Nothing! " He replied.
" What do you like to do when you are bored? " he asked.
" Watch Movies!" I answered.
" Same Pinch.. "
Then we both went to his room to check whether any nice movie was coming on TV. It was 12'o clock in the night and Guess what! It was SURYAVANSHAM.. we were like "Oh God! " we said it together. We tried hard to watch it and didn't know when my eyes became heavy and I slept on Hardik's shoulder. He also slept.
Next morning there was a knock at the door. I wasn't completely awaken but was able to hear some voices of men, which I think was of Rohit Sharna, Jasprit Bumrah and Krunal. They were talking something but I was not able to hear it. Then I again became asleep.

When I woke up. I saw Hardik was sitting beside me and was using his mobile phone.
" Good morning" I beamed.
After few minutes I went back to my room and got ready for the breakfast. Suddenly, somebody knocked at the door. I opened the door and it was Hardik. He was wearing a white shirt and a blue jeans.
" Hey! Come with me." he holded my hand and took me in his car and he drove us to....
" yes!  You know when I come here I live my whole childhood once again."
Then he took me inside, I was surprised because it was not a normal amusement park, it was especially built for handicapped children. He played various games with them, I also played but my most of the attention was on Hardik. He laughed, he danced, he sang for those children. Once again I fell in love with him. That day, I loved him more than before. His honesty once again took my heart away. I decided that whether he will love me or not I will love him FOREVER.

That Moment... Part 1Where stories live. Discover now