The Rain & his secret...

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Next morning when I woke up. I saw that I was  not in my room. I looked around the room and saw Hardik sleeping on the sofa. Wait a minute! It was Hardik's room, what I was doing here? How I came here? I slept for the whole night in this room, that meant that Bhaiya doesn't know where I was;  he would be worried!! How can I be so careless ! Then I searched for my phone but couldn't find it. Hardik was looking so cute while sleeping. I just didn't want to disturb him but I had to do so.  I tried to wake him up but he didn't get up. I shook his hand and he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. My heartbeat became fast, fast as a bullet train. My lips were just a inches away from his. He murmured that " Don't go, please don't go."
There was a knock on the door and after lots of efforts I freed myself from Hardik and opened the door. There was Krunal, he saw me and asked me drop me home. I agreed. When I entered my house my brother didn't ask me any question. I went in my room and got ready to go to the hospital. Then I realised that my phone was in Hardik's room. Honestly speaking I was very happy because this would be the reason for our next meeting.

I was on my way to the hospital and it started to rain. Oh! You can't trust Delhi's weather. I took shelter under a bus stop. It was raining very heavily, the weather was beautiful and then somebody tapped on my shoulder and it was Hardik! My Hardik! He said," You forgot your phone in my room." he continued " You know when you sleep you look like an angel!" He paused and then asked me " Do you like rain? "
" I love it. " I continued " Where is my phone?"
He took out the phone and gave me.
" Why are you not wearing the bracelet which I gave you? " he said.
I took out the bracelet from my bag and wore it.
"FRIENDS! " he said "Friends!" I replied and shoke hands.
" You know when I was young I used to love rain, we used to make paper boat and used to have a race; but I used to hate rain for only one reason.." he said.
" Light chli jati thi!! " We both Said it together and laughed. The rain stopped, I took my scooty went to the hospital and he took his car and went wherever he wanted.

In the evening when I was leaving the cabin. Hardik came and sat on my seat and I sat where patient sit. His face was very dull, the
Smile which he usually carry wasn't there. He said in a serious tone,   "Anisha, listen and be patient. OK! I want to tell you something, the unspeakable truth of my life."
Tears rolled down my cheeks. I said in a nervous tone,  " Which secret Harry? "
"Ani... " he holded my hand,
"Listen you are brave, you are brave, you are courageous, listen that I have a disease ."
As he said that my heart beat stopped, I thought my love story will end before it will start , " Which disease?" I asked.
" A disease which can't be cured by anyone!!" As he spoke that I started to weep.
" Arey! Listen I was just joking, I don't have any disease, I'm absolutely fit Bhai, I am a gabru jawan. Pagal! Stop crying." he said.
As I heard that, I became red with anger and started to beat him. He holded my hand and then covered my face with his hands and said,
" I was just joking with you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Your tears kill me, so don't cry. You know that I don't have any friends, you are my only friend. And I am going to Ahmadabad today. I just came to tell you this. Sorry. "
He wiped my tears and left. When he was leaving I felt like somebody is taking my soul away from me. I was dead. My body was here but my heart, my soul was with him only!!

That Moment... Part 1Where stories live. Discover now