Chapter 6: Spilling More tea

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~Groff's POV~

I was having so much fun with this, Thayne was freaking out, and when Lin wrapped his arms around me a couple people from the cast got surprised... in a very funny way. Oak was just playing around with Anthony and Jazz, it get really funny. I grabbed my phone and texted Lin

~Phone text~
Groffyboy: Lin, come with me to the dressing room
Linnamonroll: why? At the same time?
Groffyboy: just go to the dressing room, I'll leave first, saying my mother is calling ir something, then you say you'll go to the bathroom or somethn'
Linnamonroll: ok, I'll be there in a bit :*
~End of text~

"I'll be back, my mother is calling" i said to everyone pretending i was getting a call

"Yeah no problem" leslie said as i left and i was waiting for Lin in our dressing room and he got there after a minute or so

"I'm here, why did you want me to come?" He asked me

"Well first, we need to do something else, they're not getting it at all, except for thayne" i said

"Why don't we just tell them?" He asked me

"Where's the fun in just saying it??" I told him, he laughed and placed his hands on my waist

"You know, you're really cute" he told me and it made me giggle

"The other reason was that i want a hug" i told him

"Groff, we were hugging back there" he told me

"No, i want an actual hug" i told him and he hugged me tightly with his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck

"Much better" i told him and he gave me a kiss on my forehead

"I'll go back now, then you can go so we don't get there at the same time" he told me, i nodded and he left, i waited like 2 to 3 minutes and went back to where the rest of the cast was at

"Everything ok?" Chris asked me

"Yeah, all good" i said

"We were saying we should go get dinner all together" Renee told me

"Sweet, where?" I asked

"At the fancy restaurant that's like 5 minutes away from here" Pippa told me

"Solid, sounds good" i told her

"You'll just have to stay home tonyboy, you gotta babysit" Lin told Anthony

"Very funny Lin, i might die tonight" Anthony answered

"Alright, but imma need a ride" daveed said

"I got you bro" oak told him. I grabbed Lin's hand again and lean my head and laid it on top of Lin's shoulder, he put his hand on my thigh close to my knee and started drawing small circle with his thumb

"I have an extremely serious question" thayne said out loud

"Go on" Lin told him

"Are you both doing this to make me freak out or what!? I swear I'm having like little fangirling attacks inside whenever i turn to see you doing whatever" thayne told us

"Fangirling attacks??" Lin asked him

"YES!! Ok, i did not think i was gonna say it here, but Boi do i ship you guys together! #grofflin y'know!" Thayne said, Lin started laughing

"So you freak out whenever we do something couple-like" i asked him, he nodded rapidly

"And clearly he's not the only one, i ship you both too" Pippa told us

"Well then, let's just kill you guys from a heart attack" Lin said as he leaned over and smashed his lips against mine.

"Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg! I-i can't breathe! Aaah! I-i am dying, jesus take the wheel" thayne yelled in a funny high pitch voice

"I'm gonna need some water... wow, ok" chris said
Lin and I smiled in the kiss and broke apart from it just to see everyone freaking out, specially thayne.

"You guys ready for dinner!" Lin asked and i laughed

"I need explanations" Pippa said shocked

"You'll get them at the restaurant" Renee told her as she grabbed her jacket and put it on

"Y-yo knew!? Oh my god" pippa added, I couldn't stop smiling, chris walked next to us and whispered

"Y'all, imma die one day cuz of you" and Lin giggled. We then got ready and went for dinner at the restaurant. We got our table and ordered our drinks and food, and ehile we waited for the food thayne was the first one to mention "grofflin"

"So. Lin, Groff, can y'all explain what on Earth just happened at the theater?"
Renee cleared her throat and said "May I?" Lin and I looked and nodded

"Ok. Vanessa broke up with Lin, he thought he LOVED her or was in love with her, whatever. He then realized maybe it was the right time to admit he has feelings for someone else, someone who he has had feelings for a while now, he then tells him. Vanessa then comes to the theater, Lin and Vanessa have a discussion, he spills the tea about him liking someone else for some time now, she leaves, admits all of his feeling for this person to me AND chris, and he finds the courage to ask that person out and here they are now.... and if you didn't realize or understand who I'm talking about, it's our precious Groff" she said very calm

"What. The. Fuck. Chris you knew too!!!???" Daveed asked

"Yeah.." chris nodded

Everyone seemed shocked but weren't saying anything, I really hope they approve and support this. I really do...

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