chapter 27: Did I do something wrong?

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~Lin's POV~
We were headed to the hotel I got us for tonight before we leave tomorrow. I got a surprise for him, he doesn't know where I'm taking him for our honeymoon, I'm taking him on a trip to the UK. But he doesn't know, I'm keeping it a sectret. We make it to the hotel and as soon as we get to our room, I pushed him against the door and started kissing him passionately, the rest is obvious. After a week of us not having s3x definitely made us transform into s3x demons for the night. We then fell asleep and the next morning we headed to the airport. We got there and we got there tok ealy because I remembered it said 10 in the morning, turns out it was actually 1 in the afternoon, so... We decided to go for food.. We were ordering and I went to the bathroom.

~Groff's POV~
I ordered the food, he said he was gonna pay but he went to the bathroom and was taking forever so I just paid, grabbed the food and waited for him outside the bathrooms. It's been 30 minutes what could take him so long? Did something happen to him? I grabbed my phone and called him because the line outside the bathroom was too long. I called and it rang a couple times... Then it went to voice mail. I called again and a woman answered
"Hello?" The woman said
"Umm... Who is this?" I ask. I hear Lin from far and he was arguing with the woman who's voice seemed odly familiar...
"Hello?" I say
"Jonathan." I heard Lin
"Babe, where are you? I have the food and everything, it's 12:20 we need to start heading to the plane... You okay?" I ask
"Uh.... We're not going anywhere. At least not together. Don't call me again, dont try to contact me. Forget about me" he said... What?
"Not funny Lin, hurry up and come out" I say
"I'm not joking. I'm already gone, don't wait for me cause I'm not coming with you. Use the plane ticket if you please, but I'm not coming. Today was the last day you saw me. Please forget about me" he said... He sounded like he was going to cry
"Lin. Stop playing. This is not funny." I say and I hear him sigh
"I'm not playing Jonathan. Niw leave me alone. Forget we even got married. File a divorce order if you want. But forget about us, thus was a mistake, I should've never gotten together with you." He said and I froze
"And don't call me" he said and then hung up... What? I started crying... What the fuck... I'm not getting into the fucking plane. I grabbed my phone and called Daveed.

Daveed: Yoo!! How's the newlywed!?
Groff: can you pick me up at the airport?
Daveed: why are you crying Groff, what happened?
Groff: Lin just left, he said I could take a plane to god knows where, he left, I don't know where he is, he just left and said we should've never gotten together in the first place...
Daveed: is thus a joke?
Groff: I wish it was. Daveed I'm really confused right now can you please pick me up?
Daveed: of course, I'm on my way. Be there in a sec
Groff: thank you
Daveed: of course bro, just try to stay calm
Groff: call me when you're here.
Daveed: Ight, I'll be there
~end of call~

Daveed sounded really concerned but also pissed. I waited for like 20 minutes and Daveed called saying he was here, he made it to where I was and I hugged him when I saw him and started crying again
"What the fuck happened?" He asked and I explained it to him
"The fuck? Lin's not gonna get out of this. Someone is dying" daveed said trying to comfort me and my crying
"Why did he say that?" I ask crying
"We gotta call Pippa" he says and I nod
"But first let's go to my place. I hung up on you and told Allisa I was gonna kill someone so she might be worried of what I'm doing cause my phone died" he said and I nod... He helped me with my bags... And Lin's, cause he left those here too and I can't just leave them here. We made it to his house
"Where the fuck you g- Groff? What you doing here? I thought you had a flight to take right now?" Alissa asked me
"Lin left me. He went away, and said thus was a mistake" I say still in shock
"What?" She asked confused
"I'll call Pippa" Daveed said and soon enough she was on her way... Not even an hour later and the whole cast and some ensemble knew what happened. We all tried to call Lin multiple times, and non of them were successful... Why does this happen to me? I sat down on the floor as they all discussed something. Their voice became dull, I could only hear Lin's voice tell me we were a mistake... Why would he do that... I stopped hearing everyone around me, I felt my body get weak, I started sweating, things became blurry, then all black. I assume minutes went by and I was laying down with people blowing air on me, trying to get me to react, calling someone... I opened my eyes and they seemed to calm down
"You ok? You just scared the shit out of us" chris said
"We gotta take him to the hospital, nothing about him seems ok, who's driving him?" Leslie asked
"I'll do it, I drive faster, I'll meet you all there" Daveed said and with the help of him and Anthony, I got into his car and drove to the ER... What just happened... Did I pass out..? It didn't matter, I could still hear Lin's voice... He meant the world to me, he always helped me get through stuff, he was the only one I could talk to about anything instead of just letting me keep it all to myself and as he'd say, "poison my pretty mind with ugly thoughts." Why did he lie to me.. Why does it hurt so much... I don't want to lose him... I can't lose him... I started crying... Daveed noticed and gave me a concerned look
"Fucking Lin, if I see him I'm beating him up" Daveed whispered but I could still hear him... We nade it to the ER, they got me checked in and then got me into a room to see what the fuck happened. Daveed went outside to make a call and came back to the room even more mad... Who did he speak to?
"You okay?" I ask him
"Yup, just trying to keep my calm" Daveed said. Pippa then got into the room
"The cast is at the waiting room, they only let me in" Pippa said and Daveed smiled.. I looked at my phone and saw everyone, his family and mine, had left texts saying they were so happy for us, paragraphs saying they were proud of us... If only they knew.... Where could Lin go?
"Did I do something wrong?" I say as tears start falling down my face. Pippa hugged me
"No Groff, you did nothing wrong" she said... But I must have... Otherwise why did he leave?

Hello! You made it! Well this was the last chapter of this book, it's gonna be one or two weeks before I post part two of the book. Since I only have a draft of the first chapter or the next book, if y'all have suggestions, or want something to be part of the story do let me know :)

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