Chapter 17: Hospital day 1.

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~Groff's POV~
Lin was driving. We were on our way to... I don't know actually, but we were going hiking. The light turned green and the car started moving... I turned around smiling to see Lin's adorable smiling face but the smile quickly disappeared when I saw a car coming from his side at full speed.
"Lin lin lin!" I yelled holding on to the seatbelt but the crash was unavoidable. The car crashed from the driver's side and our car started spining. I hit my head and all I could hear was a really loud ringing.. then everything went black.

~third POV~
The two cars collided and both Lin and Groff were unconscious as well as the driver from the other car. People stoped and immediately went to help them and called an ambulance which rapidly arrived there and took the three to the nearest hospital.

~at the hospital~
The three were taken in to emergency room and were being checked for any serious injury to the head or any internal organs. Lin was put to emergency surgery due to injuries in his head, chest and neck considering he was hit directly with the car. Jonathan had a couple fractured ribs and a broken arm as well as some deep cuts in his face and one on his chest that was a good 6 inches long and required stitches. The guy from the other car sadly passed away and was reported to be under the effects of alcohol before the crash. The patients (lin and groff) were put in to the system and after seeing the name on Lin's licenses the doctors were able to contact his parents and from Jonathan they were able to track down Lea and Jonathan's brother who lucky was in town. All of them immediately said they were on their wat to the hospital. A couple hours went by and Groff was starting to wake up while Lea and his brother were in the room with him.

~Groff's POV~
I was experiencing an overwhelming amount of pain right now as I am waking up... I open my eyes slowly and only see Lea and my brother are here... I look around and I'm the only one in the room. Where is Lin!? Is he okay!? What happened to Lin!?
"Lin. Where's Lin! Is he okay? LIN!" I start yelling and Lea runs over to me
"Shhh it's fine groffy calm down it's okay" she said brushing my hair with her hands
"Where's Lin? Is he okay!?" I ask her
"Ummm, Lin is in surgery right now..." she told me
"No.. I can't lose him. Not him. NOT HIM!" I say and break down crying
"Jon, he'll be fine, I promise" lea told him.
"It hurts" I say flinching in pain
"What hurts?" She asked concerned
"My chest.. my whole torso, my arm, and why do I have a cast?" I asked and right as I finished talking the doctor came in to the room
"Oh you're awake. How are you feeling Mr. Groff? Any pain?" He asked
"A lot actually.. How's Lin?" I asked him
"I'll send you nurses with some medicine, and Mr. Miranda is now in recovery, the surgey went well, we were able to remove any possible threat inside his body. Just a couple fractures but he'll be fine. Now what you need to do is take it easy. You have four broken ribs three on one side and one on the other. You have stitches on your left pectoral and a broken arm. You WILL need to rest ok? I'll send the nurses to give you pain killers" the doctor said which calmed me down.
"See! I told you he was going to be fine. Don't worry okay? You won't lose him" Lea told me. I turned to see my brother and he was sleeping.
"What time is it?" I asked
"It's... 4" she answered
"Huh.. that wasn't very long
"A.M. it's four a.m. the crash was yesterday. You were sleeping for almost 24 hours. You fucking scared all of us" she said and I was surprised
"We were gonna go hiking... and a car hit us from driver's side... Lin was driving... do you know if the driver's okay?" I asked
"From what I know he passed away" she said and I felt mixed emotions.

~Lin's POV~
I started to wake up... not fully thought.. I could hear, smell, feel, but I couldn't open my eyes. I didn't have the strength to do it... but I heard the heart monitor next to me. A couple needles in my hand and arm, extreme pain throughout my whole body. It was killing me. I tried moving my hands... and it was tiring. Then I tried to open my eyes.. and after endlessly trying I did. Opened my eyes. I was alone in a hospital room. After a couple seconds a nurse came in to the room.
"Mr. Miranda you're awake" she said rushing over to check my vitals. "Pain?" She asked me and I nodded.
My mouth was really dry but I needed to talk. I needed to ask how groff is.
"Groff.. Jon.." I managed to say
"Mr. Groff is doing well. No major procedures needed. He keeps asking about you sir" she said as she gave me some pain killers.
"Is he okay? Can I... talk.. to him?" I weakly ask
"He is stable right now, None of you can walk yet so maybe wait a little bit" she said as nicely as possible but I needed to see Jon.
"Please... I need to see him" I said and she sighed
"I'll see what I can do for ya" she told me and smiled as she walked away. My pain is too much for me to bare it awake though, so I quickly tried to go to sleep. A couple minutes... hours...? I don't really know actually, but a while later there was a knock on my door and since my room was a room meant to be shared the doctors were bringing in a patient to the other chair. I only saw it from the corner of my eye because I was too tired to open them fully.
"Mr. Groff please let us know if you need anything" the doctor said and I found the energy necessary to open my eyes and I did. I turned around and saw his face. I smiled weakly and he did too. He's safe! But he looks so hurt... a tear rolled down my face

Guess what :) next chapter will be very dramatic and sad. So get ready for your angsty content. Enjoy :)

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