Mikey Way (Black Parade)

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Gerard knows Mikey has feelings for you, and one day while messing around at the studio he decides to prompt Mikey to finally confess, although he does it in the worst way possible.

"That was good" you smile at the five men in front of you who have just finished playing the third song on their new album. You stop clapping and watch as the band silently confer about whether they want to skip a song.

Gerard turns around and walks towards you, a smile on his face.
"Do the next one with us" he says, holding out his hand for you to take.

"I don't know" you say with a shrug.
"Please?" Frank yells from the back, sounding childish like usual, despite being 24. You roll your eyes and take a hold of Gerard's hand, allowing him to pull you up from your seat.

"You'll sing The Sharpest Lives with me then?" he asks and you nod. Having been with the band while they were recording means you already know all the lyrics, and therefore don't have to faff around with paper and explanations of how the song goes.

It takes a good five more minutes for Frank to swap guitars and Gerard and yourself to decide who's singing what, but eventually the six of you are ready to begin.

Bob, being the drummer, does a small count down to the start of the song and you cant help but wonder what it will sound like when Gerard isn't the only one singing.

"Well it rains and it pours when you're out on your own" Gerard looks over at you with a smile on his face.
"If I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes?" you smile back at the white haired man before you, the rhythm of the song already kicking in.
"'Cause I've spent the night dancing, I'm drunk, I suppose. If it looks like I'm laughing I'm really just asking to leave"

"This alone, you're in time for the show." you sing foot tapping along with every beat of the drums.
"You're the one that I need" Gerard looks you dead in the eye, a dangerous look on his face, adrenaline from performing beginning to take effect.

"I'm the one that you loathe" you lean a little closer to the lead singer, the same chemical reaction happening for you as well.

"You can watch me corrode like a beast in repose, 'Cause I love all the poison away with the boys in the band" you can see Frank jumping about behind you, a large mirror mounted on the wall allowing you to see what's going on in the background "I've really been on a bender and it shows, so why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes?" you find yourself and Gerard getting closer and closer to one another as the song progresses.

Both you and Gerard turn simultaneously, facing each other as the chorus begins.
"Give me a shot to remember, and you can take all the pain away from me. A kiss and I will surrender, the sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead. A light to burn all the empires, so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be in love with all of these vampires, so you can leave like the sane abandoned me" The two of you sing the chorus together, your voices harmonising perfectly.

"There's a place in the dark where the animals go" You lean up against him as you sing and he places his hand on your hip.
"You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow" With this he lifts up your shirt just a little, lightly scratching your skin "Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands"
"Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo" You push him away from you with a smile on your face and he grins back.

"I've really been on a bender and it shows, so why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes?" Gerard beckons you forward as he sings, and you obey walking over to him.
You and Gerard make eye contact once again, and he pulls you closer to him. You drop your arms by your side, your face closer to Gerard's than it had been the whole song. The two of you sing into his microphone, yours by your side, maintaining eye contact as you sing the second to last chorus.

"Give me a shot to remember, and you can take all the pain away from me. A kiss and I will surrender, the sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead. A light to burn all the empires, so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be in love with all of these vampires, so you can leave like the sane abandoned me"

You finish the chorus with Gerard and everyone stops, Ray, Frank Gerard and Bob all staring at Mikey who was stood glaring at his older brother.

You suddenly feel very awkward standing next to the oldest Way brother, and take a step back.
"What's wrong Mikey?" Ray asks, but he receives no answer. You look between Mikey and Gerard, a hint of a smile hiding on Gerard's features.
"What's so funny?" Frank asks Gerard, also noticing the smile on his face.
"I know exactly what's wrong with him" Gerard chuckles.

"What?" You, Bob, Ray and Frank all say in unison.
"Mikey can tell you" Gerard says plainly, gesturing for his younger brother to speak up.

Frank looks between the two brothers before staring off into space, deep in his thoughts, Ray and Bob following suit, doing similar things.

Gerard puts his arm around your waist as the drummer and two guitarists all say "oh" at the same time. You look between the three of them, then you turn to Gerard.

"I don't get it" you state.
"you see, Y/n, Mikey is a little jealous of how close we just got to one another" you blink a couple times, dumbfounded.

"Mikey?" you ask, shrugging Gerard's arm from your shoulder and walking over to the bassist, "is this true?"
Mikey nods slightly, averting his eyes to the floor out of embarrassment.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you smile, now knowing what the 'oh' from Bob Ray and Frank was about. In response to your question Mikey simply shrugs, not having the words to answer.

"He was scared you were going to reject him. For me" Gerard says and you turn to face him.

"As if" you laugh and Gerard acts offended. You turn back to Mikey who is still looking at the floor and you lift up his head "Stop being so embarrassed" Mikey smiles at you before looking behind you where the rest of the guys are. You can see in the mirror them mouthing to him and you smile to yourself, shaking your head.

Mikey's attention snaps back to you rather suddenly and you can see him thinking things over.

"Yes" You reply. Mikey looks unimpressed at your interruption.
"You didn't let me finish." He states, and you roll your eyes.
"Sorry, Michael"
"Don't- never mind. Will you go on a date with me?" he asks.
"I already said yes" you laugh and he sighs a sigh of defeat, giving in and smiling.

His eyes find their way behind you again and you refrain from looking at the mirror.
You can see Mikey mouthing back to them, and you know they're having an argument, but you don't say anything.

Mikey looks at you once more, the same look of deep thought across his features as last time.
"Yes?" you ask, and Mikey completely blanks out, staring right through you.
"Go on" Frank says, and Mikey looks at you rather than through you.
"Can I-" he trails off and you can tell his nerves have gotten the better of him.

You smile and shake your head before stealing a kiss. In a matter of seconds his cheeks are bright red and he's looking at the floor.
"Good job Mikey" Frank says, and Mikey giggles to himself.

"How long have you been trying to get that to happen" You hear Ray ask Gerard.
"Too long."

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