Frank Iero (Highschool AU)

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You've never really gotten along with Frank, but you're willing to give it a shot.

"I still can't believe you've got detention" you shake your head at your friend, a smile rested upon your face. She'd gotten detention for beating up a boy in the year above, despite him being rude to her first.
That boys name is Frank Iero, a boy your brother Ray used to be close with.

"Well it was for a good cause, the bastard deserved it" you say nothing, not wanting to further fuel the fire. "Right, well I'm gonna head to my 45 minutes of torture. Be safe on the way to yours, no shortcuts down alleys" she grins.

"Yeah yeah, I know. I can handle myself" you laugh, "If I bump into the boys I'll let you know" she nods, ready to punch all three of them if they so much as breathe in your direction.

Frank has been being a nuisance to you for who knows how long now, and you're getting sick of it, and it's also the reason your friend bust open his lip. You did feel kind of bad for him, liking him a little, but you couldn't let your friend know about your feelings for the attractive guy with the lip piercing and a few tattoo's.

It's his own fault really.

Despite the fact your friend had a scrap with Frank he was still walking around the school, you'd spotted him earlier in the day and chuckled at the sight of his lip.

But come the end of the day a sense of dread has been looming around you, especially knowing you'll be walking home by yourself.

Unfortunately for you the way you walk home is the same way Frank does with his friends, Mikey and Gerard. On any other day you wouldn't worry about such a thing but today isn't any other day. The only person you know that walks this way is your friend who you've just said goodbye to so she can go to her after school detention for beating up the same kid you hope not to come face to face with.

You turn towards the gate, walking at normal pace out of them.
The boys are no where in sight, good.

"Look who it is" You stop in your tracks, biting the inside of your lip upon hearing the voice of the teenager you were so desperate not to run into, but you have.
Wishing is no good now.

You hear the three of them creep up behind you, so you turn on your heel, Frank being closer than you originally had thought when you had decided to face him.

"Nice face" you sneer and Franks smirk falls to a frown, the punk clearly not impressed with your words.
"Your friend is gonna get it for that, Y/n" You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow, unfazed by his empty threats.

"Of course" Frank lets out a small, rather annoyed growl at the tone of voice you are using to speak to him, and probably at the fact you're not intimidated by him in the slightest. "It's not like she could kick your ass again or anything."

"What do you want Iero, I don't have all day" Frank scoffs and looks between Gerard and Mikey. Mikey is stood there awkwardly, probably feeling out of place in the situation and Gerard looks as if he's trying not to laugh at the scenario playing out in front of him.

"Well, you see, I've got dinner booked at a fancy restaurant on Saturday and I need someone to go with" you roll your eyes, Frank and fancy don't go together, "No, I'm serious"

"Why don't you take one of these two?" you ask, gesturing towards Mikey and Gerard.

"It's a romantic meal, my parents booked it for themselves but my dad has to go away with work, it's a short notice thing. And with them already paying they told me I could have it."

"And why me?" you cross your arms, honesty in your question. Of all the people he could have chosen he's decided on you, best friend of the girl that bust his lip for being rude.

"Because you're hot" with that Gerard chuckles, and you hide a smile at Frank's bluntness. Even Mikey seems to crack a small smile.

"Will you stop bothering me if I go?" you ask, and Frank nods.

"I promise you, sugar, if you have a bad time you'll never see me again" You furrow your eyebrows, do you really want to go out for a meal with this overly flirtatious, super attractive musician? And if you don't like it he might not bother you anymore?

"Fine" it's a risk you're willing to take, and who knows, maybe you'll actually have a good time.

"It's a date" Frank states with a smirk on his face.
"No! It's not- not a date" you stutter out and both him and Gerard give you questioning looks.

"You" Gerard begins, "like him" you frantically shake your head, certain your cheeks are red, and Frank looks at Gerard.
You stare at the two of them as they communicate silently, Gerard suddenly nodding.

Frank turns back around taking a hold of your hands. You stare down at your entwined fingers, your already deep blush only getting worse with the contact between the two of you.

You avert your eyes, feeling awkward in the situation, not too sure what to do with yourself without looking like a complete and utter fool in front of the hot guy thats asked you to dinner and his two friends.

The awkward feeling quickly subsides as you feel Frank's lips pressed against yours, your eyes closing as you sink into the kiss.

"So" Frank's voice is ever so slightly lower, laced with the desire for more, "how about you be my girlfriend and we make this date official?"

"I don't think at this point I could say no if I wanted to" Your friend is going to kill you when she finds out first that you like him and second you've agreed to go on a date.
Who cares, after all, he's hot. That's one thing even she can't deny.

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