Party Poison (P2?)

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"Is everything we need in the Trans AM?" Jet asks.

"Ghoul?" The shortest of the group snaps out of his daze at the sound of his name. "Oh. Right, yeah. Spare batteries, chargers, power pup, the whole lot" "Great. Looks like we're all ready to go"

"Lets have one last look at the map" you unfold the paper, laying it flat on the hood of the Trans Am, the 3 members of Fabulous Killjoys each lean in so they can see. "There is no shortcuts, no longcuts. It's one way in, one way out. We head straight down Route Guano. If we don't take any breaks, and don't stop, we'll make it there by dusk. Once in Jet and Ghoul will watch the entrance, and the Trans AM" you pause, turning your head to look at Ghoul "and please don't get ghosted"

"Not a chance" Ghoul sends you a playful glare. "Good, Kobra and I are going straight into S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. From there we'll stick together and locate Party. Does everyone understand?"

Each of the 'joys around you nods and mutters yes. "Great, lets go" Jet jumps into the drivers seat, Ghoul snatching shotgun.

"Looks like it's me and you in the back" Kobra states, more to himself than anything. After hastily grabbing the map you enter the Trans AM, placing your gun in the middle seat. And with everyone in the car the four of you waste no time.

Route Guano was clear. For as far as any of you could see. Both a good and a bad sign.

"We should be seeing Battery City in a few minutes" Jet says. "Good, does anyone need anything?" Kobra asks. He has been growing more and more worried for his brother, the amazing Party Poison not having been good enough this time. The one time he went on a supply run alone, thank the heavens he didn't take the Trans AM, he got ambushed by BL/I.

"There it is" Ghoul shudders in his seat. The grey walls are an unpleasant reminder of what once was, and what currently is on the inside. All of you know about the inside, none of you (with the exception of Party Poison) have been on the inside.

Of course you've all heard the stories from those that have been on the inside, and even tales from Killjoys that escaped the city. Many have gone in and never returned, or have come out worse for wear. If it wasn't for Party none of you would have to go into the city. But here you are. Sitting in the backseat, watching as the walls rise above the car with the closing of the distance.

"Does everyone have their guns, and anything else they're going to need immediately once they're out of the car?" Jet asks. "Yeah" Kobra responds. "I need my mask" Ghoul states. "And I need my katanas" you add."Okay, Y/n, be a doll and grab those, oh and a few packs of spare batteries"

You shift to no longer be on the seat, allowing you to put both the middle seat and yours down. You reach into the trunk from there, first grabbing Fun Ghouls mask. You pass it to Kobra, soon also passing him 4 packs of spare batteries, a pack for each of you. Next you find the sheaths that hold each of your katanas.

You push the seats back up, sitting in yours, although a little further forward. "Give us a hand K" Kobra leans toward you, helping you strap them securely in place on your back. "I hope you're all ready because we're off in"

Darkness swallows the Trans AM for a second, the lights in the tunnel not yet on. Jet is quick to turn on the headlights, a booth in the center of the tunnel a little ways in."Kobra, that's all yours" Ghoul says. Kobra rolls down the window leaning out. Within seconds you pass the both, the car smashing through the barrier, the guard falling to the ground.

The car doesn't begin to slow until you're well into the city, claiming a few draculoid casualties along the way. Once outside the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit Jet stops the car, the four of you shooting out of your windows at the few draculoids that have spotted you.

"Lets go!" Kobra yells, noticing there is surprisingly few draculoids around. The two of you jump out of the car, running through the doors to the building Party is being kept in. You run straight through the lobby and towards the stairs, following the signs. At the bottom of the stairs stands a group of Draculoids, one of them armed with a small fire axe, the others with guns.

"Take the back, I'll take the only melee" Kobra nods, opening fire immediately. You reach up and behind you, drawing both katanas at once. You waste no time in disarming him, almost quite literally, letting the axe and his body clatter to the floor.

Carefully, well as carefully as possible with a katana in each hand, you run up the stairs, needing the fourth floor. It doesn't take long before the two of you reach your destination, both breathing slightly heavier than before.

Together you walk around, not a single draculoid on the level. Because of this it takes you no time to locate Party, but there is one thing standing in your way. He looms over the control panel, watching the security cameras.

"I must say, I wasn't expecting you this soon" he doesn't look at you or Kobra, keeping his eyes fixed on the security feed. "I haven't had much time to prepare, or get started on your other member. I was hoping we would at least get one more round of drugs into him."
"I'll have your head if Party is anything other than himself" Kobra snarls, brining his gun up to point at Korse's head.

"You wouldn't shoot at someone who is unarmed, would you?" Korse looks up, "honour is something at least one of you would like to uphold" he looks dead at you. "Just because I won't doesn't mean I will stop him" Korse shifts "and there would be no dishonour in killing you. You have the blood of so many on your hands, and you dare speak to me about dishonesty. I'll have your head myself"

The doors behind Korse slide open, and he begins to retreat as a wave of draculoids flood into the room. The two of you immediately jump into attack mode, bullets flying past your head, snagging your clothes, one or two catching your skin. None hitting where it will matter.

It isn't long before Kobra and you clear out the room, both sighing in relief. You can see Party now, in the next room. He sits on the floor in a glass cell, watching.

"Which button do you think it is?"
"I don't know" you respond. "How am I supposed to know?"
"I thought you might have an idea"
"Check for labels"
"None of them have labels"
"Not. Not on the button. Look they have stuff next to them" you point at the panel.
"So they do" Kobra mutters. "I found it"
"Press it then"
"Oh, right yeah"

The door in the next room slides open, Kobra rushing in and helping up his brother as you put the katanas in their sheaths. Party says nothing the whole way out of the building, no draculoids appearing at all. Seems like BL/I really weren't prepared.

With relative ease you get Party into the middle seat of the Trans AM, taking the Katanas off of your back and putting them into the boot.
"Look after this" you throw the bright yellow gun at Ghoul, not trusting Party with it.

"Y/n" Party leans on you as Jet speeds out of this city, "I knew you couldn't resist" You scowl.
"I still detest you Poison. I did this for my friends, not you."
"I watched you fight."
"Listen Poison, keep it shut, get some sleep."
"I know you care about me."
"I don't care about you all. You're not special. Now stop pestering"

You hate to admit it but he has gotten better since the air conditioning incident.
He's tried somewhat, but can you forgive him for everything before that?
You do care for him, and you know despite the past between you two you can't get over him.
When he didn't come back you were worried, which is exactly why you got straight to getting him back.

Maybe you just feel bad.
Maybe it's something more.

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