Gerard Way (Vampire AU) {Part 2}

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7 months have passed since you were made like this.
You've come to accept your life now, you've come to accept your relationship with Gerard, but you still can't forget that fateful winters night.

You run, fast as the wind, unable to slow down, unable to stop. You hadn't meant to set off late but unfortunate circumstances meant you were held back.

Finally you spot the forest, slowing down a little but keeping your pace.
You weave through the trees, making your way to the same clearing as every time.
You close your eyes as your draw nearer, following the same path you always do.

You stop suddenly, knowing you've arrived.

Slowly you open your eyes, your attention immediately on the two bodies laid still on the ground, blood staining their skin, their clothes.

"You're late" your eyes suddenly find themselves fixated on the man you promised to be on time for.
"I'm sorry Gerard, I just. I got held up, you know how it is when you can't leave the house. Those men were hanging around outside again and I-"

"Enough with the excuses Y/n" he growls, "I doubt there's much left. Frank turned up and pretty much drained the blonde. But I, being the gentleman I am, saved you having to go and find a stray dog and left you something" he motions toward the brunette. You nod you head at him.

"Thank you Gerard, I owe you" You rush, Gerard's glare forcing you to your knees before the bodies of the two men that were alive only 15 minutes beforehand.

You lift the brunettes head from the floor, dipping your head into the crook of his neck, putting a fresh bite into the main vein.
As the taste of blood fills your mouth you find yourself distracted by Gerard.

There is something about him, something about the way he is watching you.

You can feel his stare, his eyes watching your every move like a hawk as you drain the last of the blood from the man on the ground.

You stand once you're finished, licking the blood off of your lips. You turn to Gerard, taking two steps toward him and wiping the trail of red liquid from his chin.
You had been so distracted by his eyes before you hadn't even noticed the remainder of the blood on his face from when he had drank.

"I wish we didn't have to kill innocent people to stay on this Earth" you sigh, turning your attention back to the bodies on the floor.

"You can handle this, I know you can, I wouldn't have brought you to this side if I didn't think you could handle it" Gerard leans in, raven hair framing his face, eyes burning deep crimson. He's so close, so close that if he was alive you would be able to feel his breath on your face as he speaks "We have no choice but to kill. This is our way of life. We are infected"

You turn away once again, determined not to submit to Gerard. Determined not to fall under his spell and succumb to him like you usually do.

"I don't want to be infected. I wanted to live my life, I wanted to die peacefully at the end. But that didn't happen, did it?" You step away from Gerard, feeling your anger rise.

"I'm sorry Y/n" Gerard whispers.
"No you're not" you laugh, turning to face him, "You knew exactly what you were doing" Gerard's face of sincerity turns straight.

"Of course I knew what I was doing. You were beautiful, pale and mysterious, I knew from the moment I saw you I had to have to. It was only a matter of time before you came to me" Gerard chuckles.

"Of course it was, you knew what you were doing that night I was walking by the cemetery. You lured me in, a voice so soft and so pure couldn't have been dangerous. Oh how wrong I was.." You cross your arms, remembering that fateful night.

"You didn't want to come with me. You wanted to run. I heard your breathing get faster as you thought about running through those gates. But as I remember you gave in. You came to me and you drank from that glass on your own" Gerard smirks.

You point at him, narrowing your eyes.

"If it wasn't for those damn friends of yours, especially Frank, I never would have followed after you."

"Oh so you're bringing Frank into this now? It was my idea to bring you into the cemetery. It was your idea to go see what was going on" You scowl, not liking how Gerard keeps twisting the conversation to make it your fault.

"It seems to me, Way, like you're trying to insinuate that it was my fault you turned me. I can assure you it was not. If you hadn't have sunk your teeth into my flesh I wouldn't be here right now having this conversation with you"

Gerard steps towards you, leaning over you.

"If it wasn't for me you'd be dead"

"I am dead" you retort.

"Ah, but you're dead in an alive way, yes? You're not buried six feet under covered in holes from where the others drank from you. Instead I made the choice to make you into one of us. To bond the two of us together for eternity" he places his hands on your waist.

"Shh. I turned you into what you are. I made you eternally beautiful"
"That's not how it is-" you begin, wanting to explain yourself to Gerard.

"Yes it is. You are like me and the rest of the boys. We can live forever. For this you owe me everything. If we continue as we are we will never die, that's what any mortal wants, to live forever. For what I have made you you should be happy. Now you cannot age, nor can you die without being killed. You can live forever. But I told you, it has to be with me"

"I shouldn't have to be with you. I should be able to do things on my own" You state, averting your eyes to the floor.

"You do do things on your own. Hence why you turned up late tonight. I made you into what you are, I own you Y/n. You will learn to accept that I suppose, after all, you cannot die and neither can I" You sigh, not wanting to argue anymore.

"Fine" you cross your arms stepping away from him, "just please tell me, can we leave now?" Gerard chuckles, knowing you've completely given up the fight.

"Yes. I suppose we can. Now then, how about we go back to my place?" Gerard asks, a sly smile on his face.

"Where else are we going to go? Do remember I live with you, I have no choice. You burned my house to the ground."

"Ah yes. Well. We better get home then" he extends his arm, holding out a ghostly white hand. You take it, glancing back at the bodies one last time before you and Gerard disappear under the cloak of night.

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