Gerard Way (Teacher AU) {Part 1}

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Even as a teacher your difference in style means you're alone.
That is until the new teacher starts work.

You sit alone in the corner of the staff room, quietly sipping your coffee.
Slowly you reach forwards and take the stack of books you've just finished marking, slipping them into a bag at the side of your chair.

You lean back into the old fabric and take in a deep breath, closing your eyes. 45 minutes to go until you can return back to your classes and get away from the other teachers.

Many people told you that things would change after high school, you would make more friends and get along with people that you previously wouldn't have, but those people were wrong.
Your lack of friends followed you into adulthood, yes, you made a few along the way but as time passed they faded into mere memories, much like everyone from high school had done.

Even moving to New Jersey you kept on the down-low, and because of that no one really bothers you. You don't have any gossip, nor do you have bad behaving students to talk about, and because of this you can't relate to anyone you work with.

The door squeaks open, but you don't turn to look. The room falls quiet, which spikes your interest, but it's likely just one of your other colleagues exhausted from doing something they usually don't have to, like run or work hard.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" A soft voice asks.
You open your eyes at the sound of someone talking to you, a pleasant surprise greeting you as you do.

The man stands taller than you would, but probably not by much, dressed in a long sleeved white shirt, a waistcoat and a stripy tie. His trousers are tailored to fit him perfectly and his shoes match the ensemble exactly.

"Oh" You mutter, realising you have to respond, "Yes, of course" You offer him a smile and he smiles back in return, taking the seat opposite you. Only now do you notice his pitch black messy hair and the contrast it makes to his pale skin.

"Thanks, I don't think they want me to sit with them" He gestures to the other staff with his hazel eyes, and you can't help but crack a smile.
"You're not the only one, I'm Y/n" you state, holding out your hand for him to shake.

"Gerard" He takes a hold of your hand, giving it a single, firm shake.
"What brought you here then?" You ask the man, intrigued to know what he teaches and if you'll be seeing him again soon.
"Money" He answers honestly. This causes a quiet laugh to escape your lips.
"And what do you teach to earn that money?" You lean forwards, bringing your coffee cup to your lips.
"Art" he states. You hum.
"Seem we have some common ground" you reply.

"Let me guess, you too are an art teacher" He crosses his arms and smirks.
"It pays well" You state. Gerard laughs and nods.
"How long have you worked here?" Gerard asks, his hazel eyes swirling with curiosity.

"This year makes two" You reply simply. Gerard leans back, interlinking his fingers, seemingly slipping into deep thought.

"Would you show me where I'm supposed to be teaching. I don't know where anything is and I could use some help" He flashes you a perfect smile and you look down at your coffee cup, noticing the lack of caffeinated liquid in it.

"Yeah, we can go now if you want" You state. Gerard nods, standing up. You walk over to the sink after standing yourself, placing your mug on the side.
Gerard walks alongside you as you walk across the play-ground to the art and design building. Neither of you speak, the air is silent, but comfortable.

You can't help but notice the strange stares you're attracting from your students as you walk alongside the new teacher. You can't help but wonder why you're getting strange looks.

"Here we are" you smile.
"This is my classroom?" Gerard asks, taking a look around at the empty walls and the mundane layout of the room.

"Yep, yours to make however you like" Gerard looks at you.
"I get to decorate?" He asks.
"Oh yeah, all us art teachers do. I did mine in two weeks, I spent hours on it" You state, proud of the work you did on the walls in your room.

"Can I see?" Gerard gives you a pleading look and you begin to walk towards the door to the supply closet. "Where are you going?"
"To my classroom" You open the door, disappearing into the cupboard and out of the other side to your classroom.

"Wow" Gerard gasps. You take a look around the room yourself, the gothic features on the wall making your heart swell with joy. Angels and demons painted to perfection, not one detail missed anywhere. "This is going to be hard to top"
"I look forward to seeing what your room ends up looking like Gerard" You smirk, folding your arms over your chest.

"Come in!" You shout at the knock on the door to the classroom, turning around to come face to face with one of your top students, Cameron.
"Hi Miss Y/l/n, I hope you don't mind but I wanted to bring in my finished assignment early so it doesn't get ruined" You smile at the teenage boy.
"Of course" You look over at Gerard who is just standing assessing the situation before him.

Cameron opens up the A3 art folder, pulling out a folded sheet of paper.
"It took me quite a while, I had a little trouble with the concept but I got there in the end" He smiles.
"I like it" the volume of Gerard's voice causes you to jump, his hand resting on the small of your back confirming your suspicion he's leaning over your shoulder to get a look.

"Oh. Cameron. This is-" You pause, realising you don't know his surname.
"Mr Way" Gerard steps away from you, "Lovely to meet you, I must say, you do have quite a talent" Gerard smiles.

"Thank you" Cameron smiles back.
"Mr Way will be teaching just next door, if you can't find me I'm sure Mr Way would be able to lend you a helping hand whenever you need it" Gerard nods.
"I really need to be going, I have to see my English teacher" Cameron states. You nod and he quickly collects his things, exiting the room the way he came in.

"Mr Way huh?" You grin.
"That's me" Gerard chuckles, "Miss Y/l/n hmm?"
"That would be me" You smile.
"So you're not married?" Your smile disappears, but the amusement remains in your eyes.

"Oh Gerard, we've just met"
"Do you want to get married?" he asks.
"At some point" You shrug, you haven't really thought too much about it. Gerard smirks, taking a step closer.
"Do you want to get married, to me?" You internally chuckle, but keep the smile from making its way onto your face.

"Take me to dinner Mr. Way and I'll think about it"
"I'll pick you up at eight" Gerard states. "Actually. I have no idea where you live. Will coffee after work do?" Gerard's voice is hopeful.
"It's good enough for me."

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