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"Did you see?" The youngest, chae ran up to the girls who were getting ready to either go to practice or School. "What?" Katie asked as she began tying her shoes. "Bang pd-nim confirmed our, basically, existance," she chuckled while finishing her sentence. "Wait what?! Are you serious?" Minjin ran up to Chae, grabbing onto her arm, almost looking like she was dying. "Yeah. Dispatch released the article," Linsoo confirmed what chae had said. "We can talk about it later," Linsoo began shushing and pushing them out of the dorm.


Katie ran down the halls of the school trying to catch up to Chae, they were both late for practice.

Oddly, there were cameras outside of bighit's building, probably trying to get something out of the girls. Lucky for them, they entered through a different door and began racing towards the practice room. Katie rushed down the hall, already losing chae. As she was in a rush so bumped into someone. "Oh, katie?" katie grasped for air and bent down, coughing her lungs out. She glanced up and found Soobin, who was part of bighits new boy group. "ah. Soobin, sorry to bump into you, kinda-" she stopped and gasped for air. "Kinda late," soobin laughed, showing his eye smile and dimples. "You don't got to be in such a hurry," Katie bent down further and then soon her butt touched the floor. "The floors cold," she laid her back onto the floor, feeling the cold against her very warm, sweaty body. "Katie! What are you doing?!" Chae yelled as she ran towards Soobin and Katie. "Im tired," she gasped. "Tsk tsk," Chae reached her hand out, so Katie could grab onto it to help her up. Katie didn't move at first but after a couple of seconds she finally reached for Chae's arm. Chae gripped onto her arm and pulled her up off the ground. "See you laTer," her voice jumped as Chae dragged her away. Soobin waved and smiled until they disappeared.

"Katie you're late," Linsoo tapped her foot, in a sort of intimidating manner. "You're cleaning the bathroom this week," Linsoo gave Katie a wink and finger guns, being playfull. "Yeah yeah, okay," katie waved her hand, in a dismissing way as she sat in the corner to stretch. "Loser," Jiwoo nudged her as she took a seat next to her, stretching with her as well. "You guys realize, Bang pd-nim confirming the rumors means we'll debut soon," Chae smiled, and waved her hands in small fists. "Yeah but don't get your hopes up,"


After a short time of practicing, the girls split their ways, some going to their vocal coach, job or practice dancing on their own. Katie was one of the few who liked to stay to practice her dancing, as she knows and thinks she needs the most improvement. Her members however, tell her she doesn't need it but she doesn't listen. However, Katie doesnt stay too long as she has other things to do. On her way out of the room she meets up with soobin once again. "Heya Katie!" Hey smiled and waved. "Hey soobin," she smiled. "How are you holding up?" He asked as she approached him. "Pretty well, actually quite tired but at least i can breathe," she laughed. He slightly smiled and they stood their awkwardly, it had been a long time since soobin and Katie interacted when it wasn't hi's and hellos. Katie checked her phone, "ah. I gotta get going to vocal lessons," she bowed politely and they waved goodbye to each other.


Katie kicked off her shoes, finding the dorm empty. She took this opportunity to take a long warm shower and continue her skin care routine. As she sat with her face mask, she begun her homework and studying. Her phone buzzed and she quickly picked it up.

 Katie put her phone down and continued with her homework

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Katie put her phone down and continued with her homework.

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