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"What is it?" Katie asked as soobin stood in front of her. "I warned you, you are in so much trouble," Soobin spoke. Katie rolled her eyes, "I don't have time for your ga-" He cut her off, pulling out his phone, showing her the dispatch article. "You were really careful, huh? this can hurt your career-"
"We aren't together though, he just invited me for ice cream as f r i e n d s," She spelled out the word friends, dragging it out. "don't explain to me, the internet is the one thats freaking out," he sighed, almost in relief. "I hate dispatch so much," katie groaned and pulled out her phone, calling her manager.
"You gonna talk to them?"
"Yeah," katie sighed. "If jyp believes this, hyunjin will be in so much trouble," she muttered under her breath as the phone rang. "You worry about him but not you, your career and your members?" he shook his head with a small eye roll. "why does it matter if i do? i care about my members too, but it isnt just my career at risk-" Katie talked to her manager, trying to see how they could contact dispatch on the subject. Luckily, her manager promised to reach out. "do you think hyunjin knows?" she questioned as she tapped her foot and opened their messages. "jeez, you care so much about him. You might as well date him," Soobin shook his head with an awkward smile. "oh wow, cant be caring anymore," she replied in a mocking voice with a smirk. Soobin smiled, "care about me more, the guy who warned you," he poked his own cheek trying to grab her attention, "Oh stop, youll about cared about later," she chuckled as she pushed his head away, which had been creeping out from the bottom of her pone. "Now go, i dont want you to be late for whatever your doing because of this,"
"alrighty, good luck! see you," he rushed out of the building as katie began to make her way to the practice room, still texting hyunjin.

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Katie and hyunjin scandal update!

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Katie and hyunjin scandal update!

we have been reached out from both of the idols managers, explaining the situation.
According to Katie Yongs manager, "Hyunjin had invited her out for ice cream as friends, to cool off after the event but it ended up getting moved. They were only out as friends as they began to hang out to get to know each other during the dance special practices,"
Hyunjins manager explains almost the same scenario, adding that Hyunjin wishes his fans do not take it the wrong way. As he wishes katie and him remain as just close friends.

awe, they would've been such a cute couple.

they friend zoned each other 🤣

They could be lying, i wish to hear this from the idols themselves.

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