17; katie's performance

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everyone is talking about bighits sensation, ifive

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everyone is talking about bighits sensation, ifive. Not just ifive but katie yongs performance during the special stage with two of her members and stray kids members, jisung, felix and hyunjin. Her amazing stage presence and talent takes everyones breath away at the show and behind the screen!

she looked mad at some points

katie + hyunjin = powerful duo

hope her and hyunjin become friends !

Sadly, katie cancelled going out with hyunjin for ice cream. Her excuse being she was exhausted.

 Her excuse being she was exhausted

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"hey!" hyunjin waved at her as he spot her walking down the sidewalk

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"hey!" hyunjin waved at her as he spot her walking down the sidewalk. katie quickly ran up to him before slipping the face mask up. "hey hey!" she chuckled back as they walked forward. "how've you been?"
"okay. a little bored since promotions are over," she sighed.
"Its okay, you arent under yge and ifive is huge, im sure bighit wouldnt leave you jobless," 
"The shade," katie laughed as they got closer to the outside mall. They fooled around and hyunjin annoyed katie in many ways, which ended in laughter before they finally made it to the ice cream shop. 

"What would you like m'lady," He winked cheekily at her as they waited in line. Katie slightly punched his shoulder, "Stop," she laughed as they made it closer to the cashier.
Katie order a simple vanilla ice cream and hyunjin ended up paying for both of them. 
"Thank you," katie smiled as they made their way out of the store, happily eating their ice cream.

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