{Chapter 1} The Past {REWRITTEN}

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Key Words
(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)= Last Name
(F/N)= Full Name
(F/C)= Favourite Color
(S/F/C)= Second Favourite Color
(E/C)= Eye Color
(H/C)= Hair Color
(H/L)= Hair Length

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up without an alarm; I had gotten used to not using one for awhile after waking up at the same time for so long. Sometimes I would wake up so early I would have time to take a shower, clean most of the house, and do any extra school work before I had to work or go to school.

I've lived alone ever since I snuck out of my old orphanage. That was years ago when I was twelve...

It was a dark cold night and I would have loved to stay in a warm bed curled up in my blanket but it was time for me to leave. I came across a window one day while I was wandering through an attic. It seems they kept the window open because of the wrecked ventilation. I had to leave at night since they kept watch outside during the day.

Tonight would be the night I escaped, I'd decided. It had been twelve years there and I simply could not take it anymore. I had made many friends here but I had felt something lacking in my life and I knew where the feeling came from; being trapped doing the same routine over and over every miserable day. I couldn't tell any of my friends, if I got out safely and the staff asked them where I had gone, they surely would get punished.

I tiptoed down the hallway to the ladder leading to the attic. I carefully stepped around the top floor till I passed another hallway with a door near the end saying 'Attic'.

I felt so relieved I had found it and rushed towards it, trying as hard as I could to silence the sound of my feet as they ran across the wooden floor. As my hand touched the rather cold doorknob I felt relief wash over me.

I opened it and climbed the ladder slowly. When I reached the top I immediately began searching around for things that would help me with my descent from the window. Eventually, I spotted a rope in one of the many boxes lying around. There was a hook in the box as well, so I took no extra time to tie it to the rope and toss it out the window.

I slid down the rope all the way to the bottom, both relief and surprise washing over me when the rope didn't slide off the hook.

I made my way to the gate and slid my way through the bars slowly.

I had made it.

It was probably the happiest day of my life when I turned old enough to get a job. Before I left the orphanage I was contemplating what I need to do to survive as a young girl with no past working experience or proper education. I knew I'd be quite young for a paying job so I had to beg money through the years until I reached age fourteen. I didn't want to have to stay in the orphanage; it was pure hell. The staff had treated me and all the others so horribly back then that when I was presented with the choice to stay there or be homeless, I quickly decided on the ladder.

But I had finally turned fourteen so I could get a part-time job! I knew it was going to be difficult to land one because I had no experience generally anywhere, but I desperately needed a place to live and buy food and water.

Eventually I ended up landing a job interview at a local café. I was wearing fuzzy white earmuffs and a cozy scarf as the weather had been quite harsh lately, while also trying to look as presentable as I could.

I saved up my money to purchase one outfit for each season. Luckily, I had spare money each week to go to the laundromat and pay to get them washed.

When I walked into the café, I saw a woman in a suit. She took one look at me and asked with a kind smile, "Are you Ms. (L/N)?" I nodded and she gestured for me to follow her to her office. While we walked she said, "It is so nice to meet you! I'm Kyoko Kirigiri! I run this lovely establishment!"

"It's quite nice to meet you too, Mrs. Kirigiri!"

Once we entered her office we found our seats, though before I could even sit down she had already started speaking, seeming eager, "Listen, Ms. (L/N), I'm going to get straight to the point. I know you don't have a roof over your head and I could never just give you the job and let you go back to the street," she said in a stern tone but I could hear a little hint of sympathy. My eyes widened for a moment, thinking that she wasn't even letting me have an interview, but then she said...

"I could not do that to someone in need so I'm going to lease a house for you till you can pay for one on your own."

  My eyes widened at her words. "Y-You would do that for me?!"

She stared me dead in the eye and said with a stern tone, "I will not let people like you suffer, so yes, I will do it for you. Once I heard that you were homeless and looking for a part time job, I couldn't let you live on the street, so I went ahead and leased the house. It's ready for you with furniture, and I'll pay for your education because all children need it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I thought for sure I wasn't going to be able to rent a house till I was eighteen at the earliest.

I stood up and bowed multiple times saying, "Thank you!" until she stopped me calmly.

"I would do it for all young people who need to be cared for just like you but sadly I don't have that much money. Until you can get on your feet by yourself, I'll do anything in my power to assist you."

I've always loved my boss for what she did, she gave me a job, a house, and an education at a really prestigious school for the rich. She also made herself my guardian for legal reasons.

While I wrapped up the daydream of my past I glanced at the clock, 7:00 already!? I thought I got up early!? Was I lost in thought for that long?!?' I screeched internally. I can't be late. It's my first day at highschool-- Akedemi High to be exact. I jumped out of bed and quickly put my uniform on, I styled my hair just to my liking, quickly whipped up a bento with leftovers, and did the dishes. Then I frantically put my shoes on, grabbed my bag, and rushed out the door without a second thought.

Stay calm, Y/N, I tried to console myself as I dashed onto the street while my bookbag flew about wildly over my shoulder. It'll be fine, everyone messes up a little on their first day at a new school, no one could possibly get mad at you for being a little late--

I yelped as I crashed into something-- collapsing onto the ground while skidding backwards across the rough cement. Panicked thoughts raced through my head, only increasing tenfold as I looked up to see that I hadn't just ran into something, but rather someone.

I covered my mouth. The person I had crashed into was none other than...

Cliffhanger! Sorry but you'll see who it was next chapter!
Word Count=1272

Cliffhanger! Sorry but you'll see who it was next chapter!
Word Count=1226

(A/N)Cliffhanger! Sorry but you'll see who it was next chapter!Word Count=1226

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Sincerely, The Author

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