{Chapter 5} Some Fun Things

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Okay, I just want to say two things: first, because we all want to be unique, you get to have socks on. You can have whatever socks you want, whatever pattern, whatever length, it's your choice.

Second, this one is way more important. In this story you don't have to look like yourself, you can have blue hair when you actually have blond, your face can be different, whatever you want. You just need to know that you are beautiful and if you get bullied or anything like that, I'm sorry, I can't believe someone would bully such beautiful being on Earth.

If you think you are ugly, you're not, if you think you are overweight, you're not. You need to believe me but if you want to make yourself different, go ahead. I'm not going to stop you, mostly because this could be your OC so, yeah. Just remember you are small in this story, so make your OC small in this story.

Anyway, thanks for listening, on with the story.

(Y/N)'s POV
Today was a new day, the third day of my new school! Almost everyone has been super nice to me. I jumped out of bed and did my morning routine. I grabbed my lunch and an extra bento for Osano to thank him for walking me to school the last two days and now he is my walking-to-school-buddy.

I did some extra things like chores and school work and then I walked out of my house.

Osano was waiting for me again and lectured me on being late but I think he just didn't want to admit that he was early. We walked and talked for awhile and when we got to school he didn't leave me, which made me so happy.

He walked with me to the lockers and surprisingly our locker were really close together. We changed our shoes and went our separate ways to our classes.

When I got in I saw we had Mr. Rana as our sub again. He saw me and smirked but I don't know why. That could be his friendly smile because of his facial features it makes it look like a smirk. I don't really know why so I just went to the back of the room and sat in a desk.

He kept on smirking, it's really bugging me! One time in class I wasn't paying attention because I looked out the window and saw the delinquents being mean to a guy. Oh wait, that was Ryusei Koki, I was talking to him yesterday before lunch, that's why I was running to the Rainbow Six. I'm going to talk to those mean delinquents at lunch but for now let's deal with class.

Mr. Rana saw that I was not paying attention and asked a question and picked on me. I heard my name called and looked up, oh boy I didn't know what the question was. "Sorry Mr. Rana, I wasn't listening, can you repeat?" I tried to say it in the kindest voice. "Next time you don't pay attention I will have to punish you," he said smoothly.

From now on, I will always pay attention because I have a feeling that it will not be good if I don't.

Time Skip Lunch
I quickly gave Osano his bento and he got sunburned, I'm starting think it's not a sunburn. I then ran over and I grabbed Ryusei and told him that I'm going to deal with the delinquents because they were pushing him around. He said I shouldn't get involved with those guys and I shouldn't worry because it was a one time thing but I didn't listen. I grabbed him again and dragged him to the back of the school.

Before I could go anywhere he stopped me and whispered,"(Y/N), you shouldn't do this, no offence but your tiny and they might pick a fight with you," I whispered back,"None taken, I know I'm tiny but they were mean to you and I can't just stand by and watch!" He looked very happy that you would stand up for him but he still didn't want you to do this so he whispered again,"They are very mean and they could hurt you, Osorō and the others don't show mercy, even if you are a tiny girl." So that's his name, Osorō.

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