{Chapter 3} Thats Not Normal

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(Y/N)'s POV
I walked to my next class and sat in the back again (just because you are tiny does not mean you're flat, just so you know🤣). I waited till everyone came in and then the teacher came in...that's not normal. He had his shirt buttoned at the bottom so you could see his chest and trying to give most girls sexy smirks. All the girls are blushing and fainting, I wonder why he is doing that?

He looked around until his eyes landed on me, his face got a little sunburned and gave me a sexy smirk. He then looked away and said smoothly,"I'll be your substitute today, I hope everyone pays close attention. My name is Mr. Rana," he looked at me again but I just looked at him with a straight face because know what's happening and why the girls are blushing and some guys too (do not discriminate!).

He kept glancing at me but I still don't know why. I just listen to the lesson and write notes down and think about what chores I should do first when I get home.

Time Skip After Class (Author-Chan will always be lazy)
When I got out of the classroom I saw Mr. Rana smirking at me. I just kept walking to my locker to put my books away because that was my last class (I might change when the classes are, who teaches them, and how many there are).

Once I put my books in my locker I grabbed the direction sheet to the Student Council room and started to follow it. I really hope it's not about something bad, maybe they just want to welcome me to the school. They might of saw me do something bad... wait, I didn't do anything bad.

I reached the door and knocked on it, after a moment it was opened by a guy with short white hair and a scarf on. I looked up at him, I'm going to have to do this to everyone a speak to. "Why hello, we have been expecting you," he said but I did here a hint of slyness in his voice. He grabbed my wrist, turned around and pulled me inside.

He let go of my wrist and all four boys looked at me, I just smiled. All of them got sunburned but we are inside. "Uhhh, why did you guys need me?" I asked. One guy with black hair and glasses got up and walked over and grabbed a computer. He opened it up and it looked like he was setting something up.

He finished and moved out of the way, someone was on the screen. He had short light blue hair, almost white hair. He started to speak,"Hello Ms.(L/N), we just wanted to welcome you to our school. My name is Megamo Saikou, the rest of the Student Council should introduce themselves," he looked at all the other guys...wait, how did he know my name?

I shrugged that thought off and I turned my head towards one of them when I heard an intimidating male voice say,"The names Aoi," he didn't say anything else after. "My name is Akano, it's a pleasure to meet you," I flipped my head around to see a guy with orange hair kind of like Osano's hair and a kind smile. He had his hand out for me to shake it so I gently shook his hand. I looked over to see another guy with short white hair and a scarf on, the guy who opened the door, "Nice to meet you, my names Shiromo," he smiled at me. Lastly I turned over to a guy with black hair and glasses, he looked more serious than the others. "My name is Kuroko, I lead the student council while Megamo is away," I just nodded.

Then I realized I can't just leave without asking if that was all so I questioned in a kind tone,"Is that all you wanted to speak to me about?" Megamo nodded but also added,"Also, If anything is bugging you just talked to anyone on the student council and we will help," I nodded once again and did my signature smile and as soon as I opened my eyes Megamo's and the rest of the Student Council's faces had a little sunburn, why is it still happening and Megamo is in a dark room from what I can tell so it's weird.

I walked out of the room and saw them waving goodbye. Once I got to the lockers I changed my shoes and headed for the door and made my way home.

Time Skip When You Get Home
I unlocked the door and made my way inside. I went to the closet and grabbed the vacuum and started to vacuum the house. When I finished I made myself supper and tomorrow lunch. As soon as all that was done I changed into my pyjamas and laid in bed. "It was such an eventful day, I still wonder how all those boys got sunburned right when I talked to them," I said to myself.

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