{Chapter 2} My Bad

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(Y/N)'s POV
I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as I looked up to see a quite attractive male. His hair was

I got up off the ground and bowed saying, "My bad, I'm sorry!" He looked down at me and then looked away with a red face, I wonder how he got sunburned so fast? He said but sort of yelled, "You b-better watch out next time, BAKA!!!"

I flinched at the sudden coldness he gave me and put my head down and walked away. I didn't get very far because my wrist was grabbed, I look over to see his sunburned face and then he says, "I'm s-sorry for overreacting, I can see that you go to Akedemi High because of your uniform. I go to Akedemi High too, I can walk you there if you want... NOT THAT I CARE ABOUT YOU! I JUST MET YOU! Geez," as he yelled he let go of my wrist.

Even though he yelled at me again I was so happy he offered to walk me to school. I put on a big closed eye smile (like this emoji:😊, it's your signature smile in the story) and said enthusiastically,"Of course you can walk me to school, thanks a lot!!!"

"By the way my name is (Y/N) (L/N), (I didn't do (F/N) because full name means middle name too and he doesn't really need to know that) what is your name?" I said happily. "My name is O-Osano, Osano Najimi," he shyly said.

As we started to walk his face became less sunburned, I didn't think it could go away so fast too. We told each other stuff about ourselves, like what we like and our hobbies and I even told him about being an orphan and homeless. I'm surprised I told him so quickly considering we just met but I feel like I can trust him. Instead of pushing me away he felt sympathy for me.

In middle school some kids pushed me away but some popular girls thought it would be interesting to have a once homeless friend. They used me to get their reputation high, to make it look like they were nice but they weren't and I was too dense to figure it out till the last year of middle school (just so you know you still knew things before you went to middle school because the orphanage was also a school. You also were a little behind because of not having school for two years and you started school as a second year because of your age. They thought they could catch you up and they were right, you became really smart, well you are smart in school but dense when it comes to life and love).

We made it to the school and as soon as our feet touched the giant stone pathway to the entrance he said,"I have to go, sorry, WAIT I SHOULDN'T TELL YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ME THAT WELL SO BYE, BAKA!" He yelled the last part and I flinched again but I knew that's probably just his personality so I wasn't hurt.

Since he left I don't have anyone to take me to the headmaster's office so I looked around. I caught a glimpse of a guy with long blonde hair walking behind the school. He had a giant scar on his face and had his arms and stomach wrapped with bandages with a white shirt showing his chest. He also had a long black jacket, torn at the bottom. He is probably a delinquent, at least I'm not that dense to go up to him and ask for directions. (Wait, how did you get so much detail on Osorō if it was just a glimpse, well I'm not doing anything about it so, yeah😂)

I looked around more, I saw a boy with black hair and dark eyes with no emotion. I walked up to him and asked,"Do you know where the headmaster's office is?" He jumped when I said it, I am pretty tiny so he probably didn't see me and he wasn't looking this direction.

"Uhhh...yeah, here come with me," he said a little nervous and he also got a sunburned face to! Wow, everyone I talked to so far got a sunburnt face so easily. I mean it is sunny today, but how do they get it so fast?

While I was deep in thought he turned to me and asked,"What is your name? Mine is Ayato Aishi," I snapped out of my thoughts and said,"Oh, it's (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you Ayato-san," (you will call him -kun later on the book or should you be calling him Senpai?) and then gave him my signature smile. When I opened my eyes his face was even more sunburned.

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