{Chapter 8} Field Trip?

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I'm thinking about doing a Haikyuu!! X Reader, would you guys be interested? I really love the anime and I want to make an X Reader book on it. Tell me if you want it😊

(Y/N)'s POV
I got up and realized that I slept in because I went to bed late last night! Darn it! Osano is going to be so mad!! I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready, today I put my hair in a side braid (if you have short hair leave it down).

I ran downstairs and grabbed a few things I would need today. I guess I'll have to do my chores tonight. As I thought that I put on my shoes and ran out the door to see, once again, an angry Osano.

"I'm sorry, Osano!" I apologized. "Y-You better be, BAKA!" I just smiled at him and his cuteness. "Okay, let's get going," I suggested. He just nodded but I could see a little smile on his face, hehe.

But little did I know there was going to be many unexpected surprises later...

???'s POV
I think that's her, the one who I've been searching for all this time! The picture will prove that she is who I think she is when I tell her. I hope she won't neglect me...

(Y/N)'s POV
As we enter the school I realized that there was a guy I've never seen before with intimidating red eyes or at least I think he had both eyes, his jet black hair was covering one. It seemed like he was glaring at Ayato-San, that reminds me, I haven't talked to Ayato-San in such a long time.

I left Osano and skipped over to Ayato-San with the new guy still glaring at him and Ayato-San doesn't seem to realize. "Hi, Ayato-San!" I greeted. He looked down at me and smiled but I think I saw a tiny sunburn too. "Hey, (Y/N), are you going on the field trip?" He asked, wait, what? Field trip!?

"What field trip? I questioned. "The whole school goes on a safari to Australia every year. I can't believe you don't know." He said emotionlessly but still with his little sunburn. "Wow, that's so cool!" I realized the new guy was still staring so I glanced over. When he saw me look he quickly whipped his head away with a slight sunburn. I looked back at Ayato who looked confused on why I looked away but just shrugged it off. Then I continued,"How does the school pay for a safari for the whole school?" I asked.

"The students pay for their part of the trip," he explained. As he said that it felt like the inside of me sank and my whole face flushed, I think I might just pass out...and everything went black.

Ayato's POV
I was just having a normal conversation with (Y/N) and then as soon as I said that we pay for the safari she passed out! I caught her before she hit the ground, some people saw her fall and ran straight over. Most of them were just normal students but then there was that annoying Osano, over dramatic Kizano, scared little Oko, and overconfident Aso, and I actually saw that delinquent Osorō in distance looking concerned. If Osorō really likes her then he would come and help her, not worry about his reputation!

I also saw Ryusei, they were talking to each other a couple of times, he's also a target!

I looked around to see if there was any more rivals and what I saw was not pleasant, Nemesis! Info-Kun warned me that he was going to be here soon but why did it have to be today. He spotted me looking at him and we both gave each other hard glares.

I then rolled my eyes at him and picked up (Y/N) bridal style. A lot people gave me weird looks but someone's got to take her to that clumsy nurse.

Most of the people followed me to the nurses office including my rivals who gave me dirty looks. I hate that I'm taking my love to one of my rivals but she needs to lay down in a bed and not in the middle of the entrance to the school.

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