{Chapter 4} What They Think Of You

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That girl (Y/N) is so kind and pretty BUT I CAN'T FALL FOR HER! No, she wouldn't even notice that I like her, she is kind of dense. I hope she won't leave me because of my tsundereness. I will make her a bento then she might realize that I like her.

(Y/N) was so cute and happy, she is just my type. I hope she notices I like her, she is a little dense. I have to get to know her better, maybe I could bring her on a picnic.

Oh that darling (Y/N), I hope she will be my Cinderella for the play additions. I need to remember, I can't let my emotions get in the way of my performance. If she is not a good actress then I have to move on...but she is so beautiful and magnificent. I will help her act so she can be my Cinderella.

I think (Y/N) has cast a spell on me! I might have to ask her but she might think I'm weird if I ask and she didn't cast a spell. I'll get to know her better when she comes to watch us summon a demon. I hope she likes me, she is so enthusiastic and beautiful.

(Y/N) looks like a pretty athletic girl so it's perfect if we get together. She is always smiling and looking cute and I don't think she even knows. I'm sad she can't join my club because of her being busy at home, but one day she might not be so busy so she can join my club.

I really think (Y/N) is cute and friendly and I just met her and really like her. I know I shouldn't have feelings for a student when I'm a staff member but she seems so sweet. I just hope she comes to the nurses office often, WAIT NO, I don't want her getting hurt. I hope she passes often so I can talk to her.

The student (Y/N) is very sexy and hot, I don't care that there is a rule about not dating students. I know she will like me back and rules can't keep us apart, we will keep it a secret. If someone does find out I will quit and then no one can tells us that we can't be together (I did not like writing that, Mido is my least favourite rival. I don't like his personality at all, it's nasty!🤢)

That girl grabbing the mop was so small and pretty, she was scared of me though, I could see it in her eyes. I can't like anyone, they'll all probably make fun of me so I can't think about her at all. I can't stop thinking about her though, she doesn't even show her fear on the outside so that proves that she is not a wimp. Maybe I can like her but I need to get to know more about her without anyone knowing.

The girl in my class, (Y/N) is so cutesy and beautiful. I don't really think she likes me back because we just met. I will talk to her more and my sister said she was friends with (Y/N) and they had a lot in common, so that means that I will really like (Y/N) because a love my sister. One day I'll ask (Y/N) out and I know she will say yes.

(Y/N)'s smile is very beautiful and she is too, her smile made me blush which is not common. Obviously if that made me blush then she is probably the one I'm supposed to be with. I have to be at school, well I'm going back to school soon so I can get to know her better then.

Extras (For now at least)
I have to act like I do not think (Y/N) is pretty and beautiful because Megamo might kick me off the Student Council for getting distracted. She might like me back too though, I have know her better before that. Hopefully Megamo won't be mad.

She was so cute and tiny, she is also kind like me so we would be good together. I'll talk to her more and then she will develop feelings for me too. One day we'll be together and happy.

Uhhggg, I can't get that girl (Y/N) out of my head. I'm suppose to act tough but if I'm mean to her to she won't like me back, NO I don't like her! I might actually like her but I can't show that, maybe I'll get to know her better but I can't tell anyone.

(Y/N) was so beautiful and cute, I do like her. I would like to be together with her, maybe I'll look in her bag to see if there is any evidence of her having a crush. She'll probably like me when she knows me better.

(I did what he thinks of you in chapter 2)

Ummm...I forgot to make them talk about your eyes and hair! Just pretend I did...heh. I know it was short but you kind of need this chapter. The Word Count=893, I wish it was longer but it isn't really part of the story so it doesn't matter to much. Have a good rest of your day.

 Have a good rest of your day

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Sincerely, The Author

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