Coming Out by allthingsmagical

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Harry was pressed against the wall of an unused classroom, running his fingers through his boyfriends' hair who was currently licking, sucking and biting Harry's neck. Harry moaned out when he felt an erection press against his own.

"Oh Draco," Harry gasped out.

After the fall of Voldemort, as far as everyone else knew. Harry and Draco still hated each other. Truth was, even they didn't know how it happened.

They both came back for their final year and it was the same as always.

They would spot each other, throw insults and end up with either losing their house points or end up with detention.

It happened one night when Harry was just leaving his detention with Snape, and Draco, as head boy was walking the corridors and spotted Harry. They both started arguing one minute, and the next, they were kissing each other fiercely with Draco pushing Harry into a nearby room where they ended up having sex.

The next morning before they departed, they decided to keep up the act to throw people off until they where ready. That was at the start of their seventh year. It was now the beginning of January and they had decided to come out to everyone.

Tonight they decided to meet up in the room of requirement and spend the night together before telling the whole school tomorrow.

Early next morning. Harry came out to Ron and Hermione, who took it a lot better then he thought, he knew Hermione would understand but he wasn't too sure about Ron. With Ron saying it didn't change their friendship and saying he'd punch anyone who had a problem with it made Harry laugh.

"The thing is...I have a boyfriend. We decided to tell our houses this morning then let the rest of the school know at breakfast."

"How are you going to let all of Gryffindor know before breakfast?" Ron asked.

Before Harry could answer, Hermione spotted Lavender and Padma walking down from the girls dormitories.

Harry and Ron jumped when Hermione squealed in delight and hugged Harry. "I'm so happy for you Harry," she practically yelled down Harry's ear. "I always suspected you were gay, but now you have a boyfriend, I'm happy for you."

Ron spotted Lavender and Padma standing at the bottom of the staircase, staring with their mouths wide open. Cottoning on to what Hermione was doing asked Harry. "Do you want this keeping secret Harry?" acting as if he didn't know the girls were there. "No. I'm gay and have a boyfriend whom I love and I don't care who knows."

Ron laughed when he saw Lavender and Padma turn around and run back upstairs. "The two biggest gossips now know. I guarantee that by breakfast the whole of Gryffindor will know."

True enough, when Harry arrived in the great hall for breakfast he was bombarded with questions. Asking if it was true. Confirming that it was, they started to ask who it was who he loved but he just smiled, telling them that they would have to wait and see.

Harry turned in his seat when he felt someone tap his shoulder and saw Sirius stood there.

"As your head of house, teacher and most importantly, godfather, I order you to tell me who you are in love with Harry and why I had to hear from a bunch of giggling girls than from you."

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