Animatum Anima by Boooklover12 pt 8

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The great hall was silent. Not a single word was spoken amongst the students, nor amongst the staff. McGonagall let a single tear fall from her eyes, while she smiled at her Gryffindor.

Minister Fudge was in shock. Harry Potter had told the truth and then some. This did not put the ministry in a good light at all. His plan had failed, not only miserably, but spectacularly.

Zacharias Smith was berating himself in his head. No wonder Harry hadn't told them! He felt like such an idiot.

Ron was remembering the Harry he'd met on the Hogwarts express. That Harry had been excited to meet someone new. What if he'd sat in a different compartment? While there were so many things that had happened that wouldn't have if Ron hadn't made friends, there was so much he'd have missed out on. Thank Merlin Harry had forgiven him after fourth year's disaster.

Snape was trying not to throw up. He was a spy, damn it! He definitely wasn't going to lose his cool over this. But… He'd thought Potter was a pampered prince! That was not the life of a spoiled child. That was like- dare he say it? Like his own childhood! He was not allowed to feel sympathy for Potter. It was Potter for Merlin's sake! But to think he had missed this right under his nose because he was too blinded by his own grudge made him sick. Ooh, was Albus going to get it. He didn't care if he'd spent the last five years torturing the brat- Albus was definitely going to get an earful.

McGonagall… Oh, McGonagall was trying hard not to cry and was planning Albus Dumbledore's demise. She'd told him, oh yes, she'd told him that they were the worst sort of muggles imaginable. And after everything else the boy went through. She didn't care if she had to team up with Severus- Albus was going to be hanging by his ankles in her office.

Hermione was smiling. Finally, finally, everyone would understand.

Albus Dumbledore was trying not to meet his Deputy's eyes. Oh, was he sorry. He'd made a monumental mistake. All of this had gone on in his school, under his nose. Not to mention the despicable Dursleys. If he lived through the day he'd apologize to Harry and Minerva. The latter from a safe distance. Perhaps he should have Fawks on hand, just in case…

Draco Malfoy sneered. What a baby. Puny little Potter trying to get attention. But he did fight a basilisk… And face the Dark Lord… Draco frowned.

Ginny was crying. Poor Harry. She was so going to bat bogey the Dark Lord.

Neville was pale. He understood what that prophecy meant. It could have been him. That would have been a disaster. He would have probably face planted in front of the Dark Lord. Voldemort would have laughed. Neville gulped. Sad and selfish though it was, he was glad that Harry was the boy who lived.

Seamus felt really, really bad. How was he to know that Harry had told the truth! It was so far fetched. He had realized his mistake at the end of last year, but it hadn't really hit home how wrong he'd been. Oh well, he'd try to apologize to Harry later. And send a letter to his mother to tell her to unsubscribe to the prophet…

And Harry. Harry didn't know how to feel. It felt like a large bucket of ice water was dumped over his head as secret after secret was revealed. He knew that legally he wouldn't be charged because of anything shown in the song- Hermione had told him. But now that everyone knew… He was relieved, sure, but also terrified. Would anything be different? Probably not. Harry had too much experience with these things. Green eyes, hidden from the crowd, glinted sardonically.

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