In the Alcove

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A/N Written by @orphan_account.

Disclaimer: NSFW

Draco smiled at Harry from across the Hall. Harry gave a look, wide eyed, and incredulous. Their relationship was supposed to be secret, goddamnit. Not broadcasted to the entire school!

Draco made a subtle movement towards the doors with his head, signalling he wanted to leave.

"Hermione, Ron," said Harry, "I'm just going to go for a walk."

"Oh, I'll come too!" said Hermione brightly, beginning to stand, "I wanted to talk to you about-"

"Er, Hermione," said Harry cautiously, "I don't mean to be rude, but I kind of wanted to be alone. Clear my head, have a little alone time."

Was that his imagination, or did he see a malicious, knowing glint in her eye?

"Of course Harry," said Hermione seriously. "It's close to NEWTs, and it's about time you thought about your future."

Harry gulped, "Yeah, that's it."

"See you Harry!" said Ron cheerily, pausing from shovelling potato into his mouth, "Now, Hermione-"

Harry rushed off before he could be held up again, keeping his eyes low, and giving the most intense fuck-off vibes he could muster.

He rushed through the doors, nearly yelping when he was tugged into a nearby, secluded alcove, covered by a tapestry. Luckily, it was contained by a warm mouth, which he groaned into, melting into Draco's body. The alcove is filled with various objects, such as abandoned chairs, tables and couches, all covered with a the layer of dust. Draco lights a lamp, pulling Harry close.

"Did you only want to snog?" asks Harry breathlessly as his neck is attacked by Draco, licking sucking and scraping. Harry bites his lip to hold in a whine when Draco nobles on the most sensitive spot, cock jumping.

"Not just snog," murmurs Draco, grey eyes blazing up at him.

"Not here!" hisses Harry, scandalised. "We'll be caught!"

Draco rolls his eyes, and waves his wand, sending a few non-verbal spells at the shadowy entrance, locking it firmly, as well as a Silencing Charm, Notice-Me-Not Charm and Furnunculus, waiting to be sprung when someone tries to unlock it, "Happy?"

Harry grumbles a little, but pulls the taller boy down into a kiss. Draco immediately takes control of the kiss, licking and sucking his way into Harry mouth, tangling their tongues and drinking in his moans. Harry's hands travel up to clasp behind Draco's neck, tugging lightly at a blonde strand.

Draco growls, and grabs Harry's ass, lifting him up, humming, pleased, when Harry wraps his legs around Draco's waist. Draco removes one hand, waving his wand, and transforms a dusty wooden table into a plush looking bed, with an intricate headboard. Draco places Harry in the middle, climbing over him and straddling his thighs. Draco smiles sweetly, and waves his wand, grinning when Harry's hands are tied to the headboard with silk rope. Draco settles between Harry's spread legs, smiling up at him as he tugs on the bindings.

"Hey!" protests Harry. "What's that for?!"

"Hush, love," Draco says lowly, opening Harry's shirt, leaving it hanging off his shoulders and taking off his tie. "Patience is a virtue."

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