An Unexpected Engagement

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A/N Written by @DragonsandOtters.

"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

A young and pompous Draco Malfoy struck his hand between himself and the Boy Who Lived expectantly. What he didn't expect was the way he felt when Harry refused his outstretched hand. Though he was as much a Malfoy as any and could easily hide his true emotions under a blank mask of indifference or anger, he was most like Narcissa, a highly emotional person. 

Over his years at school, his peers would only see him as a spoiled bigot. But when he was alone that night, shut up behind the curtains of his four-poster bed, he spilled his emotions out on paper in the form of musical compositions. He'd had piano lessons since he was a child, along with Latin, dancing, basic language and maths, and, once his parents deemed him old enough, Occlumency. 

He'd never written music before that night, but he found it came naturally to him. Though he couldn't physically play the songs he wrote as he did so, he could practically hear the notes in his head and feel the next one as if the song had always been there waiting for someone to discover it.

He didn't know why being rejected by Harry made him feel anything other than anger or bitterness. As he composed the song, projecting the sound of each note in his mind, he recognized a wistful sadness that he didn't understand, a longing that he didn't know he could feel. 

Draco was alone in the grand ballroom of Malfoy Manor save for the beautiful, antique piano at which he sat. His long, slender fingers played across the keys effortlessly. The music he was playing filled him with the same emotions he'd felt when he wrote the piece.

He remembered writing it during his first night at Hogwarts. He'd been angry when he first started composing the notes, which were harsh, loud and impossible to ignore. Each section of the score was a musical representation of his reaction to Harry Potter refusing to shake his hand.

And no, he thought as he started to play the song again, he hadn't been angry for the reasons one might expect.

Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy estate and Wizengamot seat, was gay. He'd known since fourth year when he had desperately wanted to take Theo Nott to the Yule Ball instead of Pansy Parkinson, or even the more conventionally pretty Daphne Greengrass. It had been a spectacular row between his parents when he confessed his true feelings. He was unofficially betrothed to Pansy, only missing a few signatures his parents were holding off on to make sure the two continued to be compatible as they aged. Though Narcissa and Lucius had been lucky their arranged marriage grew into love, they did not want to risk a loveless life for their son.

They had not, however, expected to be faced with the possibility that the Malfoy line would die with their son. He acquiesced to taking the pig-faced witch to the dance, and forced himself to put away the lingering feelings he felt not only for his best friend but for the dark haired boy with beautiful green eyes.


Draco had never heard the spell before but didn't have much time to ponder it as he fell gracelessly to the bathroom floor. Before he felt pain, he registered that he was wet from the water leaking out of damaged sinks nearby. And as he watched his blood swirl endlessly into the otherwise clear liquid, he knew he must be dying. 

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