Animatum Anima by Boooklover12 pt 4

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"fire away, fire away…"

Robes whipped around a corner. The red hem gave away the owner's house- that of Gryffindor. Rubber shoe soles smacked down ancient halls, as the lone Gryffindor ran.

His hair stuck up in all directions, seemingly oblivious to both gravity and the wind rushing by. He halted for a second, pressing his palms to the stone wall.

"Rip… tear… so hungry… for so long…"

Green eyes widened, and the Gryffindor resumed his sprint.


Harry ran as fast as he could, following the voice.

"ricochet, you take your aim…"

Within the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle stood before a grimy Harry Potter. Harry's fists were clenched, as well as his teeth, and his knuckles shone white above Ginny Weasley.

Riddle's eyes gleamed. "I have so many questions for you, Harry Potter."

Harry said nothing, but his eyes narrowed.

Riddle took it as a go ahead. "How is it, that you- a boy with no extraordinary talent- managed to defeat the most powerful wizard of all time? How is it, you, a mere baby, escaped with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort was destroyed?"

"Why do you care? Voldemort was after your time," said Harry.

Riddle sneered. "Voldemort is my past, present, and future, Harry Potter…"

Tom raised Harry's wand, directing it carefully to form elegant, fiery script, which read:


With a swish from Harry's holly wand, the blazing letters rearranged themselves.


The light from the letters reflected in Harry's wide green eyes. Distractedly, he muttered, "Flight from death."

Riddle looked mildly impressed, one carefully crafted eyebrow rising into his fringe. "So you know French… No matter… You are still alone, still trapped… No mother to save you…. No Dumbledore to help you…" Riddle's face twisted with smugness. "Dumbledore! He has been driven from this castle by the mere memory of me!"

Harry, who had been looking distant, snapped back to the conversation, eyes blazing with righteous hatred.

"He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!"

Riddle opened his mouth but paused. From the nearest pillar, the most heavenly music Harry had ever heard pulsed. It lifted the hair on the back of his neck, and his heart seemed to levitate in his chest. A bright burst of flame filled the chamber, and in its place, crowed a golden phoenix.

It flew to Harry, gently alighting on his shoulder, and dropping the frayed sorting hat at his feet.

Once Riddle saw the items, he began to laugh. His laugh- if you could call it that- was high and horrible. It sounded eerie and sinister, and it echoed- magnifying the terrifying affect a hundred times.

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