Animatum Anima by Boooklover12 pt 5

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"Haven't you heard? The notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black! He's escaped!"

"Peter Pettigrew- small lump of a boy, always trailing after Black and James Potter?"

"I always knew he'd turn bad- suspicious, he was!"

"It's the wizard's prison, Azkaban!"

"And the worst thing?"

"He's Harry Potter's Godfather!"

Snatches of memory flashed above Harry's head, each voice accompanied by a face- Professor McGonagall, the Minister Fudge, Arthur Weasley, a wizard no one knew the name of... Until, finally, the memories stopped at one face, that of Sirius Black. He was speaking to Harry, trying to explain something.

"Your father, Peter, and I were all animagi- your father a stag, I- I am a dog, as you saw- and Peter- Peter's a rat."

Sirius had a wild glint to his eye, as he frantically tried to explain. He pointed to Scabbers, clutched in a pale faced Ron's scratched up hands, and said, "That rat... He's missing a toe isn't he?"

Ron looked down at Scabbers briefly, before stammering, "S-so?"

Sirius pointed a shaking hand at Scabbers. "All they found of Pettigrew was-"

"His finger." The expression on Harry's face was one of dawning understanding. He swung his wand to point directly between his godfather's eyes. "Explain."

"When I went to confront Peter, I was mad with grief- your dad and I, we were like brothers, closer than close- I'd just lost him- and your mother. I wanted Peter to pay. When I finally caught up with him, it was in a muggle street. Peter yelled that I'd betrayed James and Lily, hexed the street with the wand behind his back, cut off his finger, and transformed to go down to the sewers with the other rats... I just started laughing... I couldn't stop... Peter, weak, sniveling Peter, had done the unthinkable... James and Lily were gone... I just... Couldn't."

"you shoot me down, but I won't fall..."

A spell connected with Scabbers, who grew to form Peter Pettigrew...

"I am titanium..."


Harry stood on the bank of a frozen lake, wand poised like a saber to battle, aimed directly at the swooping forms of hundreds of dementors. From his wand burst a blinding light in the form of a stag. Antlers raised, it charged soundlessly across the lake.

Three forms, one recognizable as Sirius Black, lay prey to the soul sucking dementors. One was Hermione, bushy hair splayed around her head like a halo. The last form was confusing. It was clearly Harry, dressed in the same clothes as he was wearing now- but Harry was also standing on the other side of the lake.

The Harry by Sirius raised his head to watch as the brilliant silver stag chased off dementors. Silver light pulsed through the dementor horde, with the stag at the epicenter.

As the last dementors fled with an unearthly screech, the Harry on the bank beside Sirius and Hermione passed out.

The other Harry lowered his wand, noticeably panting.

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