Chapter 12

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 Turns out Dane Harvey also knew nothing. It seemed like literally no one knew anything about what was going on. Even the people closest to Blackwell. I really did have to go to Blackwell himself or Thicks. I let Lilith know what happened that day and my new “promotion” in a way.

 “See? I told you it would work out.”

 “Yeah, I just. Ugh, Lilith, you have no idea how frustrating this is. I have been waiting and waiting and haven’t been able to get close to either Thicks or Blackwell. I want to rip my hair out so badly. I don’t have the freaking patience for this.”

 "Honey, just relax. These things take time. And I do understand how frustrating it is, okay? I’ve done this before.”

 “You have?”

 “Oh yeah. Only three times but let me tell you, it gets even more frustrating. Just, don’t let it get to you. Talking to someone about what’s going on definitely helps and I’m here for you.”

 “Seems like you’re the only one,” I muttered.


 “I guess. Yeah. It just bothers me. How he stopped talking to me. I can’t get over it.”

 “I know. I’ve tried talking to him about it. Like, I have started mentioning you and then asked him if he’s talked to you at all and he avoids it. He changes the subject.” I just sighed. “I’m sorry, hun.”

 “Don’t worry about it. Oh, hold on, someone is calling me.”

 “Sure thing.” I switched the call over.


 “Hey, Skylar, right?”

 “Yeah. Who is this?”

 “Shouldn’t you have your boss’s number memorized?” I was confused for a second and then I figured it out.

 “Mr. Harvey?” I heard a burst of laughter.

 “Oh, honey, please, just call me Dane. Anyway, can you come to Blackwell Tower please?”

 “But, it’s Friday.” I quickly checked the time. “And it’s 2:30 AM.”

 “Oh yeah, I know. Why are you even awake?”

 “I just... I don’t know. Why are you?”

 “Uh, well. I don’t have to answer that since you didn’t answer me first. So I’m just gonna make this an order. Get over here. Now.” His tone was mean or really that demanding but he did hang up when he was done. I switched the call back over to Lilith.

 “Hey, Lilith?”

 “Hey, whats up? Who was it?”

 “It was Dane Harvey. He wants me to come to Blackwell Tower.”

 “Alright, you should hop to it.”

 “Alright, talk to you later?”

 “Yup, have fun Sky. Goodnight.”

 “ ‘Night Lil.”


 I arrived at Blackwell Tower half an hour later. I wore a black dress that hugged my body pretty nicely and black heels. My makeup was done quickly but nicely and I didn’t need to do anything with my hair. As for the writing on mt arms, I was able to make them disappear. It was getting easier and easier each time I did it. Usually I worked well past the time they showed up and so I’ve been able to get a heck load of practice.

 I made my way towards my office and saw the doors were open to Harvey’s. The whole building was dark inside and so it seemed it was only Harvey and I.

 “Mr. Har- I mean, Dane?”

 “In here, beautiful,” Harvey called out. I rolled my eyes as I walked into his office. Harvey was sitting on the floor in front of the window. He had sweat pants and a tshirt on. I wondered why he was so casually dressed and then immediately wondered why wasn’t I. It was 3 in the morning for christ’s sake. Dane turned towards me and his jaw dropped.

 “Jesus, look at you. I was kind of expecting some more casual clothes but I definitely don’t mind this.”

 “You ever keep your thoughts to yourself?” I snapped at him.

“Ooh, feisty. Is the princess too tired to be back at the office?”

 “Shut up.” Dane only grinned.

 “I’m loving how you’ve warmed up to me so quickly that you would say such things. Any other boss I’m sure would have you fired on the spot. Just be glad that I’m more lenient and fun than all those other guys.”

 “You’re a child. That’s why you let me get away with it.”

 “And you’re not? Aren’t you the same one who I caught spinning the crap out of that swivel chair? That’s not excatly professional if you ask me.”

 I didn’t look at him. He was right but I wasn’t going to give him the luxury of hearing me say it. I just went over to the window he sat at and looked out. It was a beautiful night out. All the city lights were beautiful. Although, I did wish I could see some stars.

 “Sit,” Dane said. It was an order. I carefully lowered myself to the floor.

 “Why’d you call me here?” I asked. There was a pause.

 “Good question,” Dane finally said. He ran a hand through his hair and I couldn’t help but stare. He honestly was incredibly handsome. And, unfortunately, I wasn’t one of those girls who just ignored that kind of stuff. I was just as girly as everyone else. Nothing special. Dane caught me staring and stared right back. My cheeks grew red and I looked away.

 “It’s okay to stare. I mean, I stare at you all the time.” My eyes widened and I looked down at the floor.

 “Why?” I asked.

 “Why not?” Before I knew it Dane was right next to me and his face was inches away from mine. I hardly knew this man. I’ve only been working with him for a month. Yet, I didn’t back away from him. I let him kiss me.

 They were sweet kisses at first. He trailed the kisses down to my neck and I couldn’t help but moan. He pushed my flat on the floor. Kissing hard and desperately. And that was all we did. As shocking as it was, we only made out. When we stopped, we actually started to just talk. As much as I kind of hated to admit it, he was freaking hilarious and very sweet. I had already read about his life but he decided to tell me about it. He had a very happy childhood with very loving parents and five pets. One of them was still alive: Donnie the black Labrador.

 We made a late night run to Taco Bell. The woman across the counter was nervous when Dane told her what we wanted. I could see her hand trembling.

 “So, to your place?” Dane asked.

 “What? Um, no. Why mine?”

 “I’m sure it’s a lot closer than mine. Mine’s like 25 minutes away. Yours is what? Ten?”


 “Then let’s go.” I had no idea why I was going along with it. Obviously, there was no sane thought in my brain whatsoever that night. But, we ended up in my apartment eating Taco Bell and playing Mario Kart Double Dash. It was actually a lot of fun. I can’t remember when exactly I passed out but I woke up the next morning in my comfy ass bed. The only problem, he wasn’t next to me.  


Alright, I do have plans for next chapter and I am wondering what everyone is thinking about this new Dane Harvey character. Like him, hate him? Let me know.  :D  

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