Chapter 13

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I roamed around my apartment, checking each room and calling Dane's name. Yup, he was gone. But, what the heck was I expecting? There may be a sexual attraction but not much else. We're different. At least that's what I was trying to convince myself of. I felt abandoned, which seemed to be a reoccurring theme for me. My parents, Jamal, and now Dane.

Instead of lingering on this little realization of mine, I decided to do something to take my mind off of it. I put my headphones in and started cleaning. I first started with the area around my couch with all the crumpled taco bell wrappings. I scrubbed the floors in the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, and vacuumed. The last room I did was my bedroom. I made the bed and picked up clothes and other crap from the floor. It wasn't until I checked under the bed for other crap did I see the note. It was just a piece of paper folded in half.


I apologize that I won't be there in the morning. I was really planning on staying to see your beautiful bed head. But I'm not gone forever. I'll be back at 2. Promise. -your sexy lover, Dane

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the absurdity of his note and especially its last words. Seriously? 'Sexy lover'? What an arrogant little fuck. But I took another look at the note. 'I'll be back at 2.' I looked at my alarm clock: 1:50. Great, I had ten minutes to vacuum and take a shower and actually look kinda sorta presentable. I vacuumed quickly and put it back in the closet. I played music on the speakers in the living room and took a shower. The walls here were kinda thin so I could still hear the music. The second I got out of the shower, I heard the door to my apartment shut.

"Shit," I muttered. I dried myself off and had to wrap the towel around me and hopefully sneak into my room without Dane catching me. The probability of that happening were slim. But, I had to. I opened the door and quickly bolted for my room. Dane came out from behind a corner and grabbed me before I could set foot in my bedroom.

"Hey, hey, hey. Let me see you and say hi first."

Flustered I said, "You saw me, hi, now let me go."

"Mmmmmm no," he stared at me for a second before looking towards the living room and smiling. "I like this song."

"What sonng?"I listened and realized it was Animal by Neon Trees. I actually really liked that song too.

"Here we go again, I feel the chemicals kickin' in," Dane started singing and I muttered, "oh god." He continued, " its getting heavy and I wanna run and hide," before pausing. "Wait, that's not what I want to do at all," he chuckled. I used the opportunity of his hands no longer on me to bolt into my room. I almost closed the door before Dane pushed it open. " And I wont be denied by you the animal inside of you. Oh oh I want some more..." he sang and then grabbed me again and my body tensed up. He kissed me sweetly and I relaxed. We kissed like this only for a short period of time until he removed his hands, smiled and kissed my nose. I couldn't help but giggle at that. I mentally smacked myself for doing so. I backed away from him and went my closet for some clothes.

"Clothes aren't that necessary you know?" I rolled my eyes.

"Dane, leave. I have to change."

"Ugh, you are no fun. I will be out on the couch." Dane walked out and closed the door behind him. I changed quickly into pajama pants and a gray t-shirt. I checked how i looked in the mirror, sprayed some perfume and went to the living room. Dane had turned off the music and was watching TV. Some documentary about Madagascar was on. I sat next to Dane on the couch and he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me so I was leaning against him comfortably.

The tenerness of Dane's touch reminded me of Jamal. After him and I had started "dating" (if thats what you want to call it) he would do the same thing. Based on how things have been going now with him, no contact in any way, I had already assumed him and I were over. He was just an ass. But, it still hurt.

"Can i tell you something weird that happened last night?" Dane asked. I nodded. "So, when I left early this morning, I was... I dont know. I just, watched for a bit. I know that sounds creepy." we both chucked and he continued. "Well, it was only for a second but, I thought I saw black stuff on your arms. Like writing or something." My jaw clenched in fear. If Dane found out that I have this ability, or any kind of ability, he would freak out im sure. I wouldn't know how to explain it to him or stop him from telling people. Panic filled my entire being but i didn't move from my spot.

"But, I think i was going crazy because a few moments later the writing disappeared. it was weird. Then again I had just woke up and I wasnt really awake so... I dont know. I thought it was weird and kinda funny at the same time. I mean, what the hell was i smoking that i saw something so bizarre." Dane laughed to himself and a huge wave of relief rushed over me which did illicit some laughter from me as well.

"Weird," was my only response and that was enough. We continued watching the documentary and continued to snuggle with each other for most of the day. It was nice having a free day with Dane but also I had a few concerning thoughts floating in the back of my mind.

I couldn't let Dane sleep in my own home again. When I slept, I had no control of whether the writing was there or not. I liked Dane, more than I preferred, but him and I can't be together. He wouldn't accept what I am. Knowing that this curse of mine controlled aspects of my life that are the most important to me, was worst thought of all. I could never live a normal life. I would have to push everyone away.
I couldn't say that I loved Dane. But I knew pushing him away would be the one of the hardest and most painful things I would have to do.

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