Chapter 3 - The Meeting

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"Guess what?" Max said with full excitement.

I'm currently talking with my girls on a video call. Ilang araw na nilang kong kinukulit na makipag-video call sa kanila at ngayon ko lang naisipang gawin iyon.

"What?" I then asked and they both grinned at me.

"Greg and Zoe was publicly announced engaged yesterday. Can you believe that?" Sam exclaimed and I smirked.

Well, that escalated quickly.

It only has been a week after I left Manila and that happened already? Talk about the sudden twist of events.

"Well, they do deserve each other. An ass and a freaking hole." I shot back and they roared in laughter.

"Gaga ka talaga. Still, that isn't the best part yet." Max teased and one of my brows rose.

"So, what's the best part?" I queried.

"Greg's Mother was so furious that she ruined their engagement cake and walked out of the party." and I can't help but laugh my ass off at that one.

Everyone in the entertainment industry knows how strict and meticulous and Mom ni Greg. Since, she's also his manager. She one hell kind of a woman I tell you.

"Obviously, she wasn't thrilled by the fact that her son's getting married at twenty-one and with that kind of girl." Sam added as she rolled her eyes.

"Duh? Who would be? Isa pa, sobrang taas kaya ng standard ng babaeng yun. While our dear Ashinyah here was way, and I mean, way beyond her quota kaya sa kanya lang sya natuwa at mukhang sya na rin ang pinagbasehan." Max commented and I chuckled.

And that was true. Greg's exes didn't last more than three months because of her Mom. I was the only girl she approved her son for dating.

Unang-una dahil sa rank at title ko. Second, was because of the background of my family.

And third is, "I'm a Goddess after all. Whose Mother wouldn't want me for their son?" I taunted and of course, it isn't a lie.

"Touché." they replied in unison.

"Anyway, your break up really did hit the headline the next day after you left and up to now it's still trending. They all want to hear you side on this. Plus, lalong lumaki ang issue dahil sa biglaan na pag-alis mo at sa engagement nila." Sam told me.

"Many commented and assumed that you were bitter and so affected of what happened at hindi mo lang matanggap. Pero as usual, many rejoiced in knowing that you're now single and very available as of the moment. Some even said that you deserve better than Gregory Cruz because you are way and too way out of his league." Max explained.

Samantha nodded her head in agreement to Max statement.

"If we're talking about appearance, Greg's really handsome and even I won't deny it. Yun nga lang, yun lang talaga ang maipagmamalaki nya. He's stupid for fuck's sake." she commented and laughed at her own words.

"True. But, I don't really care right now, girls. They should just wait for my return." I replied and suddenly their faces softened.

"When are you coming back ba?" malungkot na tanong ni Sam.

"Hindi ko pa din alam since, I'm kind of enjoying my stay here. But of course, I'm still missing the limelight." I honestly told them.

Change and ChancesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon